Pearl River Resort, Philadelphia, MS.

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Jim P., Nov 28, 2007.

  1. Jim P.

    Jim P. Member

    Last night we were told the B-Jack tournaments on Tuesdays and Wednesdays will be cancelled after todays tournament. They said the tournament will possibly return mid January but there was no enthusiasm. Low attendance last night......makes you wonder.
    Dice and three-card tournaments to remain as scheduled.
    Hope we don't lose this one!
  2. tgun

    tgun Member

    more bad BJ news

    Sorry to hear that Pearl River is cancelling tournies. My wife and I were planning on playing on our way to and from Florida in Jan. Are there any weekly BJ tournaments at Gulf Port or Biloxi?

    Is craps tournament still on Thur. at Pearl River?

  3. Jim P.

    Jim P. Member

    -Biloxi- Isle of Capri BJack tourn. is 'usually' every other Wednesday.
    -Gulfport- Island View Three Card tourn. ... not sure about dates though.
    -Waveland- Silver Slipper BJack tourn. every Tuesday.
    -Pearl River- Dice and Three Card tourn. are still scheduled according to info last received.

    I would definitely call first before planning your trip.

    Sure is a dismal time for tournaments.......
  4. Let me add to the bad news. Last night was the last night for the Thursday night dice tournament at the Silver Star. In fact, they did not even play it last night after only 14 people were there for the first round.They had already shut down the Monday dice tournament across the street at the Golden Moon a month ago.

    The guys I know on the dice team at Silver Star said that they would be starting back "after the holidays". When pressed a little, they volunteered either January or February. In years past, they did restart their tounament schedule after the first of the year. But back then, they didn't have 2 of each variety like they did the last few months. I have two friends who are floor personnel at Golden Moon and they said that the dice tournament would almost certainly not return at any time on their side of the street. They didn't know about the blackjack tourny.
  5. palkie

    palkie Member

    Pearl river tourneys gone?? again!! grrr!

    Frustrating, but! -I wouldn't give up on the Pearl River Tourneys just yet. Seem like they do this every 6mos to 1 yr. Start up tourneys, then drop them. But then they bring them back - the last time the prize money increased also!!

    Email them, write them, TELL them you won't be visiting until the tourneys are back, everyone!! I ONLY visit when there is a tournament!! Their games just aren't good enough to justify a trip otherwise - it is better to go to the Gulf Coast or to Tunica... or even Vicksburg - places where competition between casinos forces them all to offer better games!!

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