Pechanga's $25k on Saturday?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Sandy Eggo, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    So, the SoCal, AZ and LV crowd....who's coming out for this? Who knows more about it than what I posted from their website?

    It's a $99 buy-in and starts rather early (10am) on Saturday. Top 7 make math says they need 37 tables of 7 to make a profit.

    I'm hoping to fund my buy-in off of SY's Thursday game which is now a $50 buy-in and $1200 prize pool (paying out to 4th, but expecting a 6-way chop). That's just how things are right now....
  2. onemorehand

    onemorehand Member


    The "No Chop" guy won't be there next week at SY.
  3. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member


    Or do you mean the "Pro in the Hawaiian Shirts"?
  4. onemorehand

    onemorehand Member


    I only wore one.... Usually wear a t-shirt. Need a jacket though, it gets cold in the mountains.
  5. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    "Pro" is how he refers to himself, and "in Hawaiian Shirts" is all that he wears. He annoys Peggy to no end.

    Hmm, now I'll have to do process of elimination to figure out who's missing on Thursday. :cool:

    And yes, SY is a very cold house. I complain constantly to The Crew and to John (COO) for more heat.
  6. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Now that is something you'll never see me ask for in a casino!

    Billy C
    Ternamint likes this.
  7. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    LOL....I tend to wear a heavy coat even on the sunny days. The AirCond over the PaiGow tables was horrific to the point people wouldn't play. We suggested swapping the $3BJ with the PaiGow table so that the kid-smokers would either freeze-out or at least we could breathe.
  8. onemorehand

    onemorehand Member


    I wore a black, flowered shirt (Hawaiian style I guess) last Thursday but do not refer to myself as "pro". I am the "no chop" guy at the finals table. I came to play not chop before even one hand was dealt. One hand early in the game decided the winner so why chop $600 five ways ($120 each). Second paid $300 (2.5 times the chop amount) and third paid $200 (1.66 times the chop) and fourth paid $100 ($20 less than the chop).

    I ended up in a third/fourth tie and we chopped $300, $150 each.

    Hopefully my not wanting to chop didn't upset anyone but it normally does.
  9. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    I'm "eh" about chopping...Depends on the ROI of Buy-in vs. Chop-Rate.

    When the prize pool was at $800, 4-way chops happened as at $35 in and $200 out was pretty even (depending on how far you drove).

    The Pit Crew is figuring that the $50-in/$200-out with a 6-way chop is going to happen. This will then "subsidize" their upcoming April-All-Month tourney that will have a $120 buy-in. More on that in a new thread when I have the time. (Gotta demo play it once with Karl.)

    Now, I'm confused about the $ I wasn't on your final table. Got knocked out in R1 when I split 10s and lost all 4. Was the suggestion that the high-chip at Hand 1 take their share ($600) and the remaining get chopped? That's insane. I'd not have taken that offer either.
  10. onemorehand

    onemorehand Member


    Around hand 5 or 6 one player went all-in for $4,000 or so and got a blackjack (2 to 1 payout) which gave him $12,000. That was far ahead of the rest of the table therefore he didn't want a chop (ironically, he was the one to suggest it before we played). Later a chop was called for again, I said no because the chip leader was going to kill the chop anyway.

    Then a chop of the $600 remaining pot was asked and I said no because of the reasons I gave above. I was in third place at the time with two player barely hanging on leaving three players with a reasonable chance to finish second ($300 prize) or second ($200 prize). Remember, $600 chopped five ways would be $120 each.

    Oh well, as I said earlier, hopefully no one is mad about it but if you can't afford to lose $50 then don't play.
  11. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Ahhh, that now all makes sense. And in that senario -- I'm with you. Fight for the placing, or to knock out a few more before chopping the remainder (down to 3 and then chop = $200 if the chip count is tight).

    Now, back to Saturday @ Pechanga...I saw that you got an update on the Registration numbers...will you be going?
  12. onemorehand

    onemorehand Member


    I will call today and if the number of entrants is much higher then no. Two trips to Temecula and the odds of finishing in the money may not be worth it.
  13. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    @ 2:33pm....was told about 300 open seats...hmm, not sure if she was reading it right based on what you were told....
  14. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Ok, bought in over the phone...about 200paid in. And a "few invites" as well, per the Box Office.

    Will be at the mandatory check-in around 7pm based on Hubby getting home and our driving up 79 to avoid traffic.

    (late night edit) I'm in the Noon Round, Table 9, Seat 6...rumor has it (as do the rules) that they are expecting to have to use the Wildcards to fill-in Semifinal seats. When I got my seat at 8:15pm or so, the team was concerned about even their hosted players no-showing.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2009
  15. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Well, played in the Noon count was around 400 players.


    I should have realized that Pechanga's cash tables are 4D-CSM. THat would mean the tourney would be as well.....argh. I did well the first 6 hands, just lowballed my wagers too much. When I finally started upping my was over. Seat1 nailed at $1500 blackjack and none of us on the table ever caught up to her.

    I was out of chips by hand 18 or 19. (sigh)

    I stayed to see if I could wildcard into the one seat they had open for Round wilds for Semis or Final. Then wandered the floor a little to shake it off. Then off to SY to recover.

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