Perfect mail forwarding service for APs

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Many advantage players use mailbox services, for a variety of reasons.
    The new service offered by Earth Class Mail appears to be the perfect solution.

    You get a physical street address, and all mail that you get is scanned upon arrival. You can log in to their website and look at the mail pieces. You decide whether each piece of mail is:
    • Something you want to read? The mail is opened and scanned, with the images available online to you within one business day.
    • Something you need in hand? You can forward the chosen mail pieces to any address you choose, by mail or courier.
    • Junk mail? Choose to have it shredded or recycled.
    What a concept! What a "Why didn't I think of that?" kind of business!

    This is perfect for people who travel a lot, and for anyone who has a need for a secondary mailing address. Check it out:


    Click to check out EarthClassMail.

    And, yes, the pricing is very reasonable.

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