Play This Hand

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Joep, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I know how much Reachy looks forward to working on these tournament teasers but they are for all to sink their teeth into so lets here how you guys would have played this hand and I will tell you what actually happened .

    Final Hand Bet $ 50 Sit & Go

    Br 1 has 63,250 and acts first

    Br 2 has 44,750

    Br1 has a secret bet but bets out in the open 18,000

    Br 2 secrets bets ? Br 1 can not see Br 2 bet of 22,000

    Hands Br 1 16

    Br 2 10-10 Dealers Up card 3


    If you are Br 1 what would you have bet and how would you have played the hand that you were dealt


    If you were Br 2 would you have bet the same as Br 2 did after seeing Br 1 bet or would you have made a different bet. Finally how would you play the 10-10

    I'm leaving for St Kitts tonight so I might not respond to this until a few days from now.Not sure of INTERNET availability in St Kitts.


    Last edited: Oct 26, 2006
  2. Flat Eric

    Flat Eric New Member

    no idea...

    ... and I have Reachy bound and gagged in the cupboard so he won't answering for a day or two! He says he knows the answer but I think he's just going to talk a load of old pony again! Fop!


    Admiral Flat Eric
  3. selecticom

    selecticom New Member

    Let's see if I still understand what's going on in BJ:

    BR1 has to act first, right?

    q1: If BR1 thinks BR2 is clever enough not to fall for the surrender trick, the bet of $18000 looks ok to me (of course, he should have . BR1 has the high and the low, can still double into the high if BR2 looks like doubling or splitting, and has a BR2 BJ covered as well. BR2's bet of $22000 is quite obvious, secret or not.
    The only reasonable alternative would be betting so much that BR1 can cover a double $22000 bet of BR2 with a single win. However, BR1 would therefore need to bet $26000, which is more than the max bet of $25000.

    q2: The $22000 seems like a good bet here. BR2 has no way to the low, but he can at least double into the high.

    If BR2 stands with his 20, he wins with a dealer 17, 18, or 19. That is about 38.5% win probability.
    IF BR2 splits his 10s, he will win if the dealer busts (37.7%), or if BR2 manages to win at least one hand and push the other one. Even without further calculating percentages, this is clearly better than standing.
  4. happybunnytrix

    happybunnytrix New Member

    YOU NAUGHTY LITTLE CREATURE!!!! Release him at once!!!!
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Pray for Reachy

    I tried to tell everyone the Flat Eric was evil but nobody would listen. Now the consequences. Let us all pray (except the atheist) that Reachy is alright. :angel: You often don't know what you have until it's gone. :eek:

    To Flat Eric: Please feed our friend food fit for humans. Flattened puppet stuffing just won't make it.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2006
  6. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    I like both player's bets. I would have stood on BR1's 16. BR2 should split the 10's.
  7. sirklas

    sirklas Member

    A try...


    If you are Br 1 what would you have bet and how would you have played the hand that you were dealt

    Normally I like the 18000 bet from BR1 here, because he covers a single bet win from BR2 and also has BR 2 covered if he loses and BR2 has a push. The only better bet could be 19500 here for BR1, because he would cover a Blackjack from BR2 with a single bet. I have no possibillity charts here to say, if that is better. My feeling would say, 18000 was the right bet here. If BR2 doubles down here (assume he bets 22k - 25k here), BR1 has to double down anyway.

    How would I act? A double down on the hard 20 is unlikely from BR2, so I don`t need to double down. I also can`t image, that he will split his tens. So I need to win my bet. I won`t draw any other card and stand on my hard 16 here (against Basic Strategy I know).


    If you were Br 2 would you have bet the same as Br 2 did after seeing Br 1 bet or would you have made a different bet. Finally how would you play the 10-10?

    I I would have beted also 22 k to have the split option. If BR 1 would stand on his hard 16, I would split my tens. If BR 1 would hit something from 17-21, I would split my tens and don`t hit anymore.

    Sorry that I can`t give you any figures here. But I am not home.

    Sirklas :)
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Managed to slip the shackles after Flat Eric came back drunk last night. Had to hit him with a spade though. Ran away after that and I haven't been back to check. He might be dead!


    It would seem unlikely that BR2 is going to fall for a surrender trap but nevertheless a bet between sirklas's 19500 and about 24000 would offer that option. It covers max bet BJ, single bet win, you can double for less to cover, or surrender back to the low. May as well use the secret bet also.

    As things stand BR1 wins if dealer busts, gets 20 or 21. Hitting and busting takes those odds right down and will significantly affect what BR2 does. If BR1 busts then he needs the dealer to get 20 or 21 and I guess that BR2 will stand on his 20. An interesting option possibly worth considering is doubling for less so you get a card dealt face down. That way BR2 doesn't know whether you've bust or not and will make decison making difficult.

    If BR1 stands on his 16 (as I would) then BR2 should split. If he stands on the 20 his chances will be around 40% compared to BR1s 60ish% If he splits and get 2 stiffs his chances are now around 37%. Anything better than that will increase his chances so if I were him I'd split 'em.

    Haven't done any sums for this teaser yet but will do later. I'll post if they are of interest or nobody else has.

    Cheers me dears

  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Look you little bag of fluff and crap. Let the chap go or I'll come over there and rup you beady little arms off and use you for a punching bag :flame:

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  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Where do you get this crap from anyway?

    Showing hands that I beat you with?

    Now you gotta cry and find out how I did it?

    Get it right buddy boy. Yeah it was me that was BR1 against your sorry butt for that match.

    As BR1 I didn't bet 18,000 I bet 25,000 or don't you remember? I did it just to prove to you WHO the MAN was! I didn't use my secret bet because you didn't scare me! I was kickin your arse all over the table that night!

    So I got dealt a 16 versus your 10-10. The dealer had a 3 showing! I figured that you'd wimp out and only bet 22,000 as BR2. Go ahead and split the 10's I wrote - REMEMBER!

    You split the 10's got 17 & 18 - I stood with my 16 and the dealer drew to a 19. I win because I'm BAD! Cut the crap and tell it like it is ya hoe!

    Now you say you won't tell everyone the outcome because St. Kitts has no internet? What the freak are you talking about? Admit it you ran away and won't play online against me anymore because you're afraid after what happened. Yah you Mr. Pain - I'm callin you out here and now!

    Hey is this bad boy stuff working yet? :rolleyes:
  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Looks like you did it this time Reachy, Scotland Yard is looking for ya!

    Attached Files:

  12. happybunnytrix

    happybunnytrix New Member

    Thank goodness you've escaped, Reachy!!! Toolman was right all along....Flat Eric is Evil!!! But don't worry about Scottland Yard. I'm sure they'll rule your part in this as self defense.

    However, Fgk if I were you I would be expecting a call from the FBI. I mean you were the last one to threaten Flat Eric..... And you did post those pic's of Flat Eric, post mortum. ;)
  13. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I knew it - that's what I get for trying to be nice. A set up. Those English bast**ds. But you see I KNEW they were gunning for me. TX tipped me off. I installed hidden video cameras and caught the culprit.

    It was Reachy's cat - the same kitty I looked after when Reachy went of vacation remember? The cat mauled Flat Eric after Reachy escaped. I showed up just in time to photograph the carnage. Thank goodness for hidden videos!

    Yeah Bunny that camera caught you and Flat Eric in the act. No wonder you got trix tacked on the end. Just couldn't stay away from that furry little creature could you?

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  14. happybunnytrix

    happybunnytrix New Member

    Reachy KNOWS I would NEVER do anything so horrible to him.......and I was going to offer to start a defense campaign on your behalf.:sad:

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