Played my first tournament in a long time at Sam's Town

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by phantom, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. phantom

    phantom New Member

    Played the tournament at Sam's Town Tunica twice this weekend but didn't make it past the first round.

    The first time I played I managed to get the $1500 up to $7385 but I came in 5th place. The winner had around $15,000. Two people had $13,000 +, one had $11,000 +, and the last one had $2800. They ran out of the $500 chips and we had to use the clear chip dividers as $500 chips. They said it was a record breaker and that they had never ran out of money before. That's about $63,000 total out of the tray with 6 player all starting out with only $1500 apiece.

    I entered a second time but that round wasn't as exciting and I lost all my money with about 4 hands left.

    I managed to win about $600 for the trip so I had a few hundred dollars profit after expenses.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
  2. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    The hot table


    Fortunately I won this table, but it was the only one so I did not make the finals.
    This was one hot table. I received 3 BJs:). Dealer got none. Dealer may have won 2 hands out of 15. This tourney paid BJ 2:1. Max $1500 bet. No double after split.
    At countdown after 12th hand, I was in 2nd place with $7500, and went to $14,800 on 15th hand.
    It was close enough on last hand that everyone doubled regardless of holding, or split 10"s.
    I doubled a hard 13, drawing a duce. Dealer busted!
    Fun game was over.
    It was a fun, well run tournament, but not as much fun as the Fitzgerald format.

  3. phantom

    phantom New Member

    Hey buddy, well it was fun helping to make a little history with you. I doubt if they will ever have another table like that. They were still talking about our table when I left Sunday. ;)
    Springbac likes this.

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