Player of the year and player rankings

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I have had a point system made up for sometime know however you need Open tournaments for the system to work. Not just open, but for everybody even known counters and advantage players, (can't play the regular table thought).

    You also need different casino locations throughout the country so some travel is a must for all players if they want to earn points.

    And last all the casinos must be willing to use a set of offical TBJPA rules at each location. Using the same rules for each casino is very important.

    Tournament Blackjack Player Association

    Points System for the Monthly Tournaments

    With a point system we will be able to track how all the players are doing throughout the year and offer a “Player of the Year” award to the player with the most points.

    I am working on getting sponsorship so we may give away a new car or truck for the year to the “Player of the Year” (if and when we get my tour started).

    How the points will be awarded is listed below

    1 - point earned for each monthly tournament you enter.

    1 - additional for each round you advance until the finals.


    1 - point for playing

    2 - points if you make 2nd round

    3 - points if you make the 3rd round (quarterfinals)

    4 - points if you make the 4th round (semifinals)

    4 1/2 - points for 6th place

    5 - points for 5th place

    5 1/2 - points for 4th place

    6 - points for 3rd place

    6 1/2 - points for 2nd place

    7 - points for 1st place

    * NOTE: The points are awarded by what round you end up in or position.

    ** Wild Card winners are not awarded points for further advancement, however the Wild Card may win prize money.

    *** Minimum of 8 TBJPA monthly tournaments per year must be played in order to qualify for "Player of the Year".

    **** At least 3 TBJPA monthly tournaments you played in must be over 500 miles from where you live.

    The points will be added to their total each month and may be viewed at Please allow up to four days after each tournament for the current standing to be posted on the web site.

    Now for player ranking I was talking to Swog and he suggested something simlar to the PGA going over a two year period to earn your ranking.

    For example:

    Points are awarded based on round 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 wins and only TBJPA monthly events.

    A minimum of 14 TBJPA monthly tournaments must be played over a two year period.

    Six of those TBJPA monthly tournaments must be played at casinos over 500 miles from where you live.

    You must be a member in good standings.

    I also believe we set up a rules commitee of 6-8 players.

    Any players that doesn't play in over half the tournaments doesn't deserve to win either "Player of the Year", nor deserves to have a ranking in my opinion. If you are worried about either of these then you'll find the time for these events. Like anything else to do good you have to be commeeted.

    Any players that don't feel these rules are fair for either the point system and or player rankings please post your replys and why.


  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Great Idea

    I think a point-based ranking system is a great idea. How can we out here in the wilderness (Wisconsin, for example) help get this going by getting our local casino to play ball? One way would be for the association to sanction tournaments, and then let the casino use the association's name and logo to help promote theirs.

    Any other suggestions?
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Have them contact me

    I have been talking with different casinos around the country about this concept and becoming host properties for my TBJPA Tour.

    I am looking for minimum 6 to 12 casinos willing to particapate in this tour. I am not worried about having mega-resort casinos involved, only willing casinos that truly will give us a chance to get this tour off the ground.

    Currently I am talking with 15 casinos, 8 seem very interested. They are in: NV, MS, OK, MN, LA, CT, and even Canada.

    If you have an interested casino, please have them contact me. If the casinos are willing to work with the players, we will be more than willing to play wherever they are located, (within reason). A minimum of 150 players must be entered in each tournament for points to be awarded.

    The Tournament Blackjack Players Association (TBJPA) is designed for the average tournament players. The entry fees will be affordable, $300 with re-buys of $150, and a guarantee of two per player (min). Also every event will be OPEN to all players and designed with the best possible rules for the tournament players.

    There will be a $40 membership fee per player, per event, but only for the events in which you play in. However, I have designed a stair-step entry fee for the Championship Finals that you will receive $50 to $500 off the entry for each monthly tournament you play in.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2006
  4. Please excuse my ignorance.

    <<However, I have designed a stair-step entry>>

    What is a stair-step entry?
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    For the championship finals

    It is an entry based on the number of monthly events that a players has entered during the year.

    Anyone not playing in at least one of the monthly tournaments, but who wants to play in the championship final's should pay more. Playing one monthly tournament will get a $500 discount, two - six tournaments will get a $50 discount for each, seven - twelve tournaments will get a $75 discount for each one.

    Here is an example of what the championship finals entry fees would be, based on the number of monthly tournaments that one would play:

    0 - $1,500

    1 - $1,000

    2 - $900

    3 - $850

    4 - $800

    5 - $750

    6 - $700

    7 - $625

    8 - $550

    9 - $475

    10 - $400

    11 - $325

    12 - $250
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2006
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Point system suggestion

    On the whole, I like idea of the point system ;) . Some revisions, of course, may come as time passes but it's a good start. I for one had a thought you may want to consider.

    Under your proposal, a person with a lot of money and a lot of time can abuse the point point system by entering every tournament that comes along. That person can enter say 40 to 50 tournaments a year, he/she would then have a substantial edge over a person that only enters say 15 tournaments. The numbers can get to be chaotic. How do you solve this? Here is my thought.

    Instead of "Total Points" earned, how about "Average Points" earned. Simply take the total points earned and divide them by the number of tournaments entered. Then, the player's SCORE would have some real meaning. A SCORE (using average points) of say 2.25 would be substantially better than say 1.95. And a score of say 5.00 might be considered a WOW. This system would put more importance on winning rather than just entering a tournament.

    Just a thought. Do with it as you please (I didn't patent the idea :laugh: ).
  7. Now I am sure that I don't understand

    As I don't follow this from a math standpoint. Why does someone who plays only one tournament get the biggest discount?

    Where in the prize pool do these discounts come from? Paid by whom? Who gets the money paid, or not discounted? The governing agency? The host casino? some kind of split? What if an event is undersold? Are only people who are paid or paying members of this organization allowed to play in these events? If so, is this a true World Ranking System as it is then not open to the public. Only the select paying few.

  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'll explane

    For Toolman:
    The point set-up is based on 12 designated tournaments per year, one per month at different casinos throughout the country and maybe Canada. The same events could be used for player rankings, only over a two year period.

    To do this I am sure that some smaller casinos out of the way will be used, as they maybe the only ones willing to work with us. If we can get the TBJPA up and running don't be surprized if a lot of players will be going to some casinos they have never been to before.

    For Bradley:
    All the entries and reentries toward prize money, either monthly or for the Championship finals.

    As far as why the first tournament played gets the biggest discount, I feel everybody that plays at least one tournament, should be rewarded over someone just waiting to play in the higher prize money championships. I even offer a bigger discount for a 2nd entry and then more discounts for the 7th - 12th entry over a 12 month period.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2006
  9. mariad

    mariad New Member


    TX looks like you have put some real time and effort into this. That is awesome. BP raises some good questions.
    One I am unclear on, if a person wishes to play in a TBJPA tourney do they have to sign up/be a member? This would seem to limit the pool for a particular tourney.

  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Everyone that plays would have to pay the $40 membership fee. Even casino VIP's that are comp-ed by the casinos would have to have the $340 for every player they comp out put in by the casinos.

    Each monthly event will have a $300 entry with $50 going to the Championship tournament and the $150 re-buys with $25 going towards the Championship event. Hundred percent of the remaining $250 entry fees and the $125 re-buys would be going towards the monthly prize money.

    Based on an avevage of 150 players per monthly tournament, I believe we could have between $200,000 to $250,000 for the Championship finals (this is counting championship entry fees as well).

    The prizes would be paid out using the following pay schedule:

    Based on 12 semifinalist:

    1st = 40%
    2nd = 20%
    3rd = 14%
    4th = 9%
    5th = 5%
    6th = 3%
    7th - 12th = 1.5%

    Based on 18 semifinalist:

    1st = 40%
    2nd = 18%
    3rd = 13%
    4th = 8%
    5th = 4.5%
    6th = 2.5%
    7th - 18th = 1.2%
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2006

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