Players betting big the entire round

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by justlsuteddy, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. justlsuteddy

    justlsuteddy Member

    Alright last question of the day.

    At many tournaments I've played several players at the table bet very large the entire round. This results in most of them busting out but usually one guy will end up three or four max bets up from me halfway through the match then start betting small. The max bet is usually my bankroll so I wait as long as I can then go all in trying to catch up. I usually bust out.

    How do you defend against a table that's betting large from the start?
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Pace The Field

    If all the players are betting big your min.bets will do you no good as in most cases some of these players will be winning their bets.If you fall 3 or 4 max bets behind and they stop betting you have the worst of it now.If Im playing on a table like that my bets will measure their bets in other words I will be betting big also but not as big as they are so if they do get ahead and stay ahead as long as they are not (swinging me) that means they are winning their bets and I am losing mine they will not be so far ahead that I now need a miracle to catch up.If the dealer is hot I will have the most chips as my bets will be somewhat smaller than their's.That's how I would play it
  3. justlsuteddy

    justlsuteddy Member

    Thanks thats a good strategy. Bet with the table, just a bit less.

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