Hi, I am looking for blackjack players who have been banned from Casino(s), who have a physical or mental disability. Please email me with confidence regarding possible legal action.
I can vouch for the authenticity of this user and this request. The user emailed me before posting here. If you know anyone who fits the description, you may want to pass the query along.
Treatment of Handicap sjs5572 I am a paraplegic and a frequent gambler. I consider myself an advantage player. While I have never been barred from a casino, I have been under intense scrutiny at a couple of places. Once when I was winning a rather large sum (for my meager bankroll) at the BJ tables, I had no less than four suits observing my every move. Nothing came from this, but I wonder If they did not intervene because of my handicap. I sometimes wonder what my response might be if I am told that I can no longer play. Glad that you have shown an interest for those of us that battle the physical and mental challenges of receiving a fair playing field. Mike