playing against newbies

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by TedinNaples, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    I had an interesting experience at a $50 SNG yesterday. Among the other players were Joe Pane, Adriana Jade, jpennell and Phil Hellmuth. (Amazing how many people follow Phil around when he plays an SNG -- there were over 20 observers at one point.) We had a first-time $50 player called dicktizzle. From the get-go, he acted like his screenname. He called us all "ladies" for the small bets we were making. He called Adriana to task for hitting a soft 18 against a 10. He had no clue who Joe, Adriana and Phil were. He said to "watch and learn" as he made large and all-in bets. At times, things got nasty. Kudos to Joe for using humor and sarcasm to deflect this character. Even though, dick took an early lead, eventually he petered out and was eliminated. He even had the audacity when he was left with $1,500 in chips to bet Joe that he'd make a comeback. I sent a chat message to Dick early on asking him to please play more $50 & $100 SNGs and tournaments.

    What I love about EBJ is the chance for me, and not the casino, to make money off players who refuse to get educated, learn the basic skills, and master basic strategy. When I play live BJ, it's amazing (especially on cruise ships) how many people split 10s, stand on A6, double on a 7 or 8, split 66 against a 10, hit a 12-16 against a 4, 5 or 6, but stand on 12-16 against a 7-10.

    While it's very annoying to play against idiots like the one above, it can become profitable. It's even more annoying when these players get lucky and get a BJ when they open with a max bet. However, I the long run, as we witnessed in the scenario above, the better players will prevail.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    That is so freaking funny because I too played against "Dick" yesterday in the 6 pm 5.00 MTT.

    Get this one:

    First hand and Dick bets 25,000. Most of the table bet 500-1500 (I bet min). Dealer has a 9 showing and Dick stands on his 15. Dealer busts and now it's hand 2 and Dick has 50,000 while the rest have 27-24000.

    Dick starts chatting about how good he is. Dick tells the table to get some "balls". Not one to let it go I engaged Dick and commented about how I would rather play with my brains than my balls - but HE's the Dick so...

    This guy min bets, 500 all the way until hand 16. By now Dick was BRL! So what does Dick do? 25,000 and freaking wins AGAIN! Here comes the comments about how good he is, yadda yadda yadda. I thought, boy is the Hollywood Dave's little brother or what? :laugh:

    Long story short Dick got eliminated on hand 25! It was a pleasure to taunt him but better yet it was fun to take his contribution to the tourney. Yeah I hope we got more Dick's on the site.

    I hate to say it but it was fun to beat off on Dick! :joker: Dicktizzle that is!
  3. maxwell

    maxwell Member


  4. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    Fred, was it you at the table with me when we were "cracking" all those chicken and poultry jokes with screenname "spent hen"? I'm sure if we were both at a table with "dick," we'd have some fun. I could use some other colorful expressions, but out of respect for Ken and this great site, I'll be polite...for now.
  5. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    I too ran into the Dicktizzle.....he is far more irritating than HD becasue he is a mouth w/o a brain....

    I think he started yammering at me by hand 2 for betting so low...I am a coward balls....etc...and as sure as shootin he all in BJ out of the gate...worse he also then started with the 500 min bet thereafter...

    I couldnt take his BS yapping anymore and started in on him except I could only talk with my mouth as my cards were getting worse and worse.. I lost the first 5 in a row....

    I upped my bets and my cards turned ...I made it thru elimination and aimed dead at the target on his I drew very near he had to start betting again and at that moment I upped the chatter at him.....he made another big bet and I stoped my game and Im gonna pass you

    And I did....he was gone in three hands and he left swearing ...and the whole table girl mentioned that he does that very

    Few games later I see him waiting to start a 30 dollar S&G...I wait til 6 sign up and hop in....I start on him before he gets a chance ....not much fun though ....he all in first hand .....bust out with dealer BJ....LOL

    I thanked him for the 30 dollar donation to the cause...

    Hey....sometimes they win....and its frustrating but mostly they dont fact they are quite easy money as they are out of the way fast...

    Funny we all ran into this goof and it seems he got spanked each would think a guy would shut up after a

    OH well

    Yes I see so many players making Basic Strat mistakes....a large percentage make these mistakes even tho I think they know better but somehow feel that since its a tournament that all rules go out the window....So often I see guys splitting 7's against a ten up on the third hand or at some other non critical time.... dumb dumb plays far worse than splitting ten ...
    Ive had guys comment to me about hitting 12 against dealer 2,3...hitting soft 18 against 9,10,ace..(this is the most common mistake I see)

    Its why I wanna buy stock in casinos...just imagine the hold casinos take from these players...

    Quite a character thats for he left my first table after I made a miracle comeback and then squashed him...I typed....looks like Dick fizzled.....that made him howl......LOL

    Hes fun....I need to add him to my buddy
  6. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Out of frustration, comes a poor choice of words, at least for me during bad beats. But we all need to remember not to bite the hand that feeds us. Tell them they played well, but were simply unlucky, and hope to see them at the next table.
  7. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Smooth and wise!!!!!LOL
  8. WumpieJr

    WumpieJr New Member

    Crazy, a few weeks ago that guy was slumming around in my $1 and $5 games doing exactly the same. Seeing as charity at that level was so successful for him, I guess he's moving upward...
  9. geebeebee

    geebeebee New Member

    Unbelievable! I am a newbie here, but play a lot at UB....I have had some of my best moments of late playing against dicktizzle...two times in two days I was less than 10K, with him over 30K, and beat him both where UB was ****-ing out his words so much I didn't know what he was saying.

    Wherever you are dick, please keep pocketbook and my disposition both thank you.
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    This guy is real "DEAD MONEY" I have him on my UB Buddy list when he logs in all the lights in my house start flashing. :laugh:

  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    I too ran into the Dicktizzle.....he is far more irritating than HD becasue he is a mouth w/o a brain....

    Rumor has it that FGK is playing under this account.I'm trying to verify that right now.;)

  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Maybe you can let us know right after you find out who's behind the deposit bonus fiasco :cool:

  13. Kaminari

    Kaminari New Member

    These are the abusive guys I WELCOME to the site is the ones who never sit and play an SNG but observe and heckle that I have been complaining about, especially when they have followed me around the cash tables from the moment I log in.....

    I know, I know, what the hell am I doing playing cash tables online????:eek:


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