Please vote!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by TXtourplayer, Jan 18, 2005.


Please mark the days and times you would like or be able to play the online satellite

Poll closed Mar 4, 2005.
  1. Mon. - Fri. around 12:00 pm est.

  2. Mon. - Fri. around 3:00 pm est.

  3. Mon. - Fri. around 7:00 pm est.

  4. Mon. - Fri. around 8:00 pm est.

  5. Mon. - Fri. around 9:00 pm est.

  6. Sat. - Sun. around 12:00 pm est.

  7. Sat. - Sun. around 2:00 pm est.

  8. Sat. - Sun. around 4:00 pm est.

  9. Sat. - Sun. around 6:00 pm est.

  10. Sat. - Sun. around 8:00 pm est.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Please pick the day(s) and times you would like and or be able to play in the Global satellite tournaments for the October Blackjack Tournaments Cruise.

    Please Note: you can pick multiple choices.

    Also please post the three days that would be best for you to play on.

    I can't give you what you want if I don't know what it is.

    Thanks all!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2005
  2. chaney

    chaney New Member

    tournament days

    fri, sat, and sunday are always good days for a tourney. Thanks
  3. Snapper

    Snapper New Member

    I agree

    Weekdays are bad for me too.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Satellites Set

    Feb. 2nd at 8:00 PM EST. will be the first satellite tournament.

    It will be for Max. 60 players at $100 entry with one $50 re-buy (if needed).

    Second tournament will be held on SUPERBOWL Sunday Feb. 6th at
    12:00 PM EST.

    Max. 50 players at $100 entry with one $50 re-buy (if needed).

    All prizes based on total entry fees and reetires.
  5. selecticom

    selecticom New Member

    tourney times

    On evenings Eastern time, any day is ok for me - I am 6 hours ahead of Eastern time so it normally won't collide with anything else.

    Just one stupid sounding question: 12pm... is that noon or midnight?

    Midnight (Eastern) on superbowl day, I'll be crawling on my way to bed with fingers crossed that my head won't hurt the next day (as it did last year). No good time for a BJ tournament.

    Chris (used to a 24-hour-system)

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