Ploppy's - Who are they?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Recent posts have got me wondering about this term. It seems like people have their own ideas and definitions.

    Terms like stiff or soft hand are something we can all agree with.

    In fact we once used the term wildcaters to describe those who frequently bet max bets more than min bets.

    Is a ploppy a wildcater? Is a wildcater a ploppy?

    My personal belief is that they are two separate species, however a ploppy is usually a wildcater but I've seen wildcat bettors who were definately NOT ploppy's. Any thoughts?
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    A ploppy is simply a person who is uneducated in the game of chance he is playing. Whatever the game, a ploppy is a ploppy for that game. A person can be a ploppy at blackjack but an expert player at poker. And so on and so on and so on.
  3. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    I believe those two terms for players are one in the same. The reason I say that is because, they both have a tendency to piss me off. :p
    I see no rime or reason in that kind of playing strategy other than they are probably inexperienced tournament players. Perhaps the two words could be combined and called a “LOTTERY BET” it’s subtle and you won’t offend anyone with the word “PLOPPY”. ;)

  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    NO! NO! NO! A ploppy is a ploppy. But of course one doesn't say it to their face just as one doesn't call another person a F#$%@#$% A%$#$#$ H%$#@$ to his face - at least most of the time. :eek: :laugh:
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    To plop

    Ploppy is derived from the verb Plop. Now when you use plop action you become a noun Ploppy. So, lets say in a BJT game you double a soft 13 vs a dealer 2 for an amount that will kill you in the game at mid game. You have used a plopping action hence you have become a Ploppy. Then a while latter you split 2s against a dealers 10 to risk all your money. Once again you have done plop action therefore carry the definition of a Ploppy.
  6. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Definition of Ploppy

    Here's the definition from's glossary:

    Ploppy. A term coined by gambling author Frank Scoblete to describe a typical uninformed gambler.

    This is only a guess, but I'll bet it means someone who just plops down in the seat next to you on a whim and starts playing the game, without really knowing what they're doing.
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    WHAT? Frank Scoblete coined the term? Not a member of BJT? LOL
  8. rounder21

    rounder21 New Member

    My 2 cents...

    When I think of the term "ploppy", I typically think of someone who has been playing for a while, usually more skill than a beginner (may know basic strategy) and has seen the game enough to develop his own theories based not on math, but individual observations in which certain things are noticed and others not. They are bitter people. Beginners or inexperienced players are not considered ploppies in my mind. I will give someone the benifit of the doubt until they confirm themselves as the ploppy. Usually one comment confirms it. A comment such as "I hate when people get in in the middle of the shoe it always messes up the cards". As someone said, they are who keeps casinos in business. When someone is confirmed a ploppy, to me, they are no longer human. They are usually to be ignored and treated as whatever is best for my bottom line. Do things to make them stay when cards are negative and leave when they are positive. Sometimes its as simple as going to two hands... Anyway, the point of my post...

    I confirmed someone as a ploppy in the last tournament I played. I was having fun in the semi final round before it started, chatting with a few people (particularly the old guy to my right who seemed like a nice guy). Sometime in about the middle of the round, the guy (for no apparent reason) doubled a 12 v4. I love to see people do stuff like that because I know that they are hurting themselves in the long run by playing wrong in the tournament. His double caught a 5 and the dealer turns over the 14 and busts. In order to encourage him to keep playing like that, I simply said "that was a good double, the dealer would have made 19 if you wouldnt have done that". He then said probably one of the dumbest things I've ever heard at the table. "You really shouldnt talk about whats going on, thats called coaching and it could give someone an advantage if they didnt know that". I couldnt help but laugh totally surprised and say, "Its not like its valuable information". He said yes it is they can use that against you. He was honestly not joking either, this man really believed what he said!!! At our tournament there is no "coaching", which I always thought meant telling someone how to play their hand, not pointing out that 14 +5=19. But thank goodness for people's stupidity it makes tournaments worth playing.

    Just a funny story,
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2007
  9. rounder21

    rounder21 New Member

    Just curious...

    Why would "wildcatters" piss you off? If its not a good strategy, they'd just be donating more to the prize pool than they get most of the time, which means more winnings for you.

  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Wow, that pretty harsh. :eek:
  11. rounder21

    rounder21 New Member

    It may seem harsh...

    but keep in mind my definition. These are not just beginners, they are selfish stubborn loudmouth inconsiderate rude subhuman creatures. I would suspect most APs who have had as much experience with this type of creature would share my opinion. They have value but are certainly not human. Another example that really irritated me was when I was wonging out and this female ploppy started in on me. I came back to the table the ploppy told me that when I get out it messes the cards up. I then politely told it that it is more than welcome to play my spot when I leave because the casino allows you to play two hands. It was like it didnt hear me it kept griping to the dealer. So I said it again. And told it, it would always find someone to blame. The thing that made me madder than hell is that it was trying to get me to stay and play and risk my money, yet it was not willing to risk its own money on the very cards it wanted me to stay to get. That is outright selfishness...

    Hope it lost it all :flame:
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2007
  12. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    DOUBLE HARSH :eek: :eek: Do you want to go 3?
  13. rounder21

    rounder21 New Member

    Last one...


    hehehehe. BURN BURN BURN.... hehehe BURN BURN...:flame: :flame: :flame:

  14. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I love ploppies

    OK, enough joking for a while.

    I personally love ploppies. If enough are playing table games then the casino has a tendency not to convert the area to more slots. If they play slots, then the casino has a steady stream of income which keeps them open so I can play. Either way, ploppies are good because without them the casinos would have to close. If they are at my table I just laugh to my myself and watch them feed that "drop box".

    I was talking to an acquittance (not a friend) while he was playing BJ - I was just an observer. He said to me "I don't understand. I do all the right things but I still lose". When he said this, he had a 14 against a dealer 10. He stood! And I walked away smiling to myself. The point is that most ploppies don't even know they are ploppies. But as long as they keep the casino opened for me then let them "plop". :D
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2007
  15. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Yep, triple harsh. Don't you want to go one more - to 4? :eek: :eek: :eek: But that's the limit. This site limits the number of "smiles" to 4.
  16. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    Not only are ploppies a valuable asset to me as toolman1 says, they're usually nice people. One of my favorite things about blackjack tournaments is the nice people I always meet. People almost invariably treat each other with respect and kindness at blackjack tournaments. Ploppy or not, if they're a nice person I want to make their acquaintance. I've even made new friends because of tournament blackjack.

    They're definitely not subhuman. If anything they're more human than in most walks of life.
  17. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  18. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    And the winner is ....

    Never actually read Frank's definition before. Looks like rounder21 came closest!!! :p
  19. rogue1

    rogue1 New Member

    the ploppy

    A ploppy doesn't play correct blackjack because he/she has never heard the words "basic" and "strategy" put together. A ploppy just can't wait to tell you in a most authoratative tone "THAT ACE AND SEVEN EQUALS 18 'YA KNOW"
    when he/she sees you hit it vs a dealers' 9,10,or Ace.

    Also it's a good idea to keep in mind at all times that most dealers are ploppies on the other side of the table. (It's real noticeable when you have to tell them real quick that you want to hit that Ace-7 before they assume you're going to stand.)
  20. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Most dealers have a fair knowledge of Basic Strategy but that is usually based on what they see or hear at the table while dealing or from other dealers who know less. The soft 18 is probably the most misunderstood hand in BJ. Often when I ask for a hit I get a look from the dealer like "are you nuts". When this happens I politely tap the table again and say "Yes, hit it". But once this happens with a particular dealer, he remembers and when the next soft 18 comes up he will normally wait for my hand signal - I did say normally.

    Speaking of dealer knowledge. I one had a dealer tell me to always spit 10s when playing an 8 deck shoe. Not with a 6 deck shoe, just an 8 deck shoe. I played it dumb and asked why. He said because there are more 10s in an 8 deck shoe so your chances of getting 2 20s are greater. I noted my head while thinking "you must be welcomed in casinos with open arms".

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