Possible Semi and Finals payout bonus poll

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Oct 11, 2009.


Which payout do you prefer based on a $250 entry fee.

Poll closed Jan 9, 2010.
  1. Semifinalist wins $250 entry back in cash?

  2. Semifinalist wins future $250 entry fee?

    0 vote(s)
  3. Semifinalist wins round trip airfare to next tournament?

  4. Semifinalist wins $250 entry and airfare for future tournament?

  5. Semifinalist wins $250 entry and semi and finalist win future airfare to tournament?

  6. I think their is a better option not offered I'll post what I think is better.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    From my other poll I can clearly see that most players would prefer the semifinalist willing their entry back but I am posting a few other options that might work as well if not more appealing for the players.

    *Please note the semifinalist will only get paid "IF" enough entries/rebuys are in the event to justify those payouts.

    These bonus ideas are based on a possible series of tournaments or tour and these bonuses would help bring the top 18 players (semi and finalist to more future tournaments.)

    What I'm want to know is would you rather win your entry fee of $250 back in cash or a future $250 entry fee and round trip airfare to the tournament? I'll post a few options up on the poll. Airfare would have to be limited to no more then $400 or maybe $500 or you pay any difference.

    *NOTE: Only one vote per person.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    There has only been 3 votes so far, but it surprizes me that players would rather win $250 cash back in the semifinals instead of a $250 entry and round trip airfare for a future event, (more then double the value).

    The purpose for the future entry and airfare bonus would be to try and help support a series or tour. If we want something like this we are going to have to be willing to support it and just paying out cash doesn't seem to be a long term solution.

    I can understand wanting cash, but if we are going to support a series or tour I can't understand not wanting the entry and airfare instead, which is the much better value.

    Is it forcing you to play in additional tournaments, yes. But it is also paying your travel and entry for you to do so.
  3. askdick

    askdick Member

    Other options

    In a tournament I belive winners at every level should get paid, something. I propose that the winner of each table should get something from the casino that would be a value to the player but cost the casino almost nothing. This could be free meals, free show tickets, free slot play, match plays, 2 for 1's, promo chips, 1 time and win until you loose chips, etc. With each win, the prize should get more value. This would be a benefit to the player but also would benefit the casino. They give this stuff away all the time and would help a bit on the expenses of the player. Nothing should come out of the prize fund for these prizes unless you purchase "win till you loose" chips to pay off higher prizes such as 1/4 and semi finals..

    If 2 or 3 advance only the winner gets these prizes, not all that advance. This would also add to the idea of winning the table, not just barely making it. Winning something before the final 6 is MUCH more appealing for everyone.

    This is just 1 man's opinion but I think it is a good one.
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Then just do it, don't ask. Given that few events award anything at all for semifinalists, this is still quite a reasonable approach. By promoting attendance at future events, this seems like a good compromise to me.
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    If you dont play at the casino why would they want to pay airfare to get you back? $250 plus travel is too much to ask if the person doenst have casino play to cover airfare which could be several hundred dollars. Am I missing something?

    With future entry and air the casino needs to pull from the prize pool.
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Part of the prize

    The casino wouldn't be giving anything away it would be what the top 18 players would be winning from the tournament. Also it wouldn't be at the same casino.

    I'm talking about a series or tour that plays every month for example your playing in a tournament in California and the top 18 win an entry and airfare for an event in Oklahoma the next month. This way those 18 players who might not travel to Oklahoma now will since they have their entry and airfare taken care of.

    This way it ends up being a win/win situation by awarding the players more, but also would help support a series/tour as well.
  7. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    I voted just the $250 entry fee to be given back to semifinalists. This is because in your previous tournaments there was barely more than the $9000 it could cost to provide airfare in the entire pot. Now if your new tournaments do better and there is a large enough pot, I would change my vote, but I would have to see it first. I think we need to get good tournaments first, and then improve on them.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Certain amout required

    Semifinalist payouts would be based on a certain amount of entries required in each tournament and not be paid out until the all the finalist payouts were paid in full.

    I was just asking which players would prefer base on the funds being there?
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  9. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    Rick, I wouldn't mind at all seeing that the semi-finalists got more than just their entry back, maybe double the entry fee? so they would actually have a profit. But can't see airfare. For one, it would drain the cash payouts at the final table, and for the second, would have little value for those who only want to play their local circuit tournaments, and don't want to travel and have to cover room/food/rental car/etc. costs, or, maybe only want to enter one tourney, not the whole 3 or 4 and so would not want to travel at all, just play their local event. Know you want to get a tour going, but, still, need a payout schedule that attracts and works for the local players as well, as you need to attract them as well. Also - how do you cover 'airfare'? Give all semi-finalists a set allowance for airfare? then might as well do cash. Cover the actual cost of flying? then what if someone flew in from Europe? are you covering that airfare in full?

    Just pay out the cash. Recommend at least a little over the buy-in. Say 1 1/2 or 2 times buy-in. Don't try to get too fancy, as far as I am concerned, your 'airplane format' by it self is well on the way to 'too fancy'.

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