Post Ignace

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by creeping panther, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Now that the big tourney is over please entertain us all with your stories, experiences, tales from the felt... ETC:D

    Bring it on!!

  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Because of the long drive in front of me, I left immediately after getting edged out in the quarter finals.
    I'm hoping that Schultzy, Leftnut, Judy Mayo and my friend George might have all made the final table.
    Hopefully someone will post results.
    As always, it was a pleasant experience. All the years I've played there, I've not seen any "jerk" players. Lots of nice people among the participants.

    Billy C
  3. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Billy C

    Nice words there Billy.:)

    I understand there was a "Blue Flu" among 7 BJ dealers on Saturday:( I was told by some dealers a few weeks ago that they were unhappy with cuts being made in their benefits, etc. and this may have been a response to that.:eek: What a bad time to call in sick, alot of tables I am told were never opened because of it. I remember the times a few short years ago when all were open including a private room for players only with higher Mins both 6d and DD, that was:cool: In fact that was the time I shared a DD table with Tim the Toolman from the TV show, a real nice guy.

    Anybody know how my buddy "Tony Soprano" did?

    Sorry you didn't make the final table Billy C....:sad: maybe next time, you deserve it.

  4. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Billy C -jerk

    Billy C, I have been thinking and are you sure about the no "jerk players" statement? I will confess to something, actually it was funny at the time but I have since learned all may have not been as presented to me. The biggest jerk

    For a few years I bought into the tourneys just for the package, my game was real money BJ, and I cared less about what I did in the tourneys, just bust out fast to get back to the tables while others were at the tourney playing, get the better conditions, F... it!

    That was until I was approached by a regular HR'r with a proposition....a well known and successful BJ tourney player, known to all of you, had slighted this HR'r in a very bad way, I will not say how, but the tourney player was probably not aware that this HR'r knew about the infraction. In fact the tourney players may have been drunk when he did the affront...but maybe not, I had heard he had done the same thing at another casino. This HR'r was impressed with my table play and knew that I could be very cocky, if I desired, as we had played together many times. The HR'r did not do tourneys but was at the casino and saw from the posting that I was at the table with the offender. He invited me to the lounge and made me a proposition I could not refuse:eek: I was to heckle, ridicule and make a fool out of the offender for a sum of money, and I was to hang in the game to the end, to prolong the offenders agony, and... IF I was to beat the offender , so that he would lose and I win, the bonus was 3 times the original amount:D

    Well I was cocky enough at that time to accept the proposition, even though I knew I would make enemys of everyone at the table, and much to my surprise his "Crew". Of course all was to be confidential:cool:

    This was the first time I ever tried to play serious, play to win....and I did a admirable job of heckling this guy, ridiculing him, and lierally doing a Muhamed Ali Job on him....I made a fool of him...and I BEAT him:laugh: I put him away. I then came under attack by the offender and his crew and a few other at the table to the point I told them, the 'crew" to throw down or back off:eek:
    I am :eek: today by what I did, but I guess that was me at that time and since I have never seen anything at the BJ tourney tables come close to it. I still feel uncomfortable around the offender and he to this day has no idea behind the real reason for my behavior at that table:)

    I also had a teamate from Chicago, a very skilled player, who for sure carried on at the Tourney Tables and was generally hated, even by the dealers, pit.

    It is my opinion that the BJ tourneys generate alot of competitive chemistry, stress and tension and ...Testosterone that can lead to some clashes, I have seen and heard them and,,, heard of them.

  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    It was a bloodbath for our friends. I hope I get all (or at least most) of this right. Half brain-dead, too early on a Tuesday morning. Those tricky S.O.B.'s were selling double-sized beers for two bucks, and the mental fog is mighty thick this morning. Ohhhhhhh, the pain....... :laugh:

    I am aware of none of us making the final table although a precious few did make the semi's. Billy C, didn't you make it to the semifinals? I think so. Poor Billy - I didn't witness this disaster, but heard about it later. Billy got to the last hand with a nice lead, his primary threat needing to win a DD to prevail. The guy gets A-9, dealer makes 20, the guy can only be saved by an ace - and gets it. No wonder he left so quickly, I would have, too.

    Schultzy, Peggy, Alf, and Judy Mayo got to the quarters. Dan Mayo couldn't catch a break, lost out both in the first round and the rebuy. Schultzy and Alf managed to draw the same table for the quarters, and it was a great battle. Alf couldn't get any help when he really needed it, but Schultzy did a magnificent job of squeaking through with an Emmy-worthy performance, faking everyone out by pretending that he didn't just get a totally awesome DD card in the last hand.

    Deb, our friend Bruce, and myself all got smoked in the first round and had to rebuy. My first table was damn ugly, had Billy on my right and was looking forward to a spirited BJT battle with a good friend & excellent BJT opponent. The cards had other ideas, however, as I managed to win 3 of the first 28 hands and was gone. Billy hung on to the bitter end but he didn't make it, either.

    In the rebuy, it was Deb, Bruce, and Billy at the same table. This one was a max-bet shootout for the last 3 or 4 hands, and Billy managed to turn his "power chip" Mulligan DD on a stiff into a 20. Bruce was stuck with a hard 16, had power chip available, his first DD was an ace and he wisely stood against the dealer's 5. Deb had a hard 8, did not DD because she really didn't need it, hit to 16 and stood. Dealer flipped paint and put another 5 on it, giving Billy the push and advancing him. This was a textbook example of why it is so important to save the Mulligan until the last hand unless you absolutely have to spend it earlier.

    I think it was just Judy, Schultzy, and Billy in the semifinals, none made it beyond.

    Postscript -
    Evidently there is some kind of dispute between the house and the BJ dealers. CP heard right, there was a "blue flu" among the dealers. 6 or 7 of them called in sick on Friday night, when the house was being inundated with BJT players looking for a table. Similar thing happened Monday morning, we heard that they were expecting 11 loaded tour buses.
  6. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    New way to deal with adversity?

    Yes, it happened exactly the way LeftNut described (the only card opponent could draw to keep me from advancing was drawn).
    Afterward, Schultzy having witnessed it, indicated that he was surprised that I managed a smile after being eliminated in that way. Guess I should have told him about the very "friendly" girl I encountered the night before that still had me in a good frame of mind.
    Hope those girls from Canada keep showing up to help control my emotions because I've been a consistent loser at St. Ignace lately!

    Billy C
  7. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    HR'r ????????

    "That was until I was approached by a regular HR'r with a proposition....a well known and successful BJ tourney player, known to all of you, had slighted this HR'r in a very bad way, I will not say how, but the tourney player was probably not aware that this HR'r knew about the infraction"

    Exactly what does HR stand for ?
  8. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    My guess is High Roller.

    Billy C
  9. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Billy C

    Canada Eh:D I knew they hung out around the Sault Kewadin but was not aware they made it down to Ignace.

    They must of gotten wind about all you rich Tourney players being in town and the needs of one certain one for a Palin was she the lookalike, Billy Big C:laugh:?

  10. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    No resemblance whatsoever. Also, I should tell you that this wasn't a "business" deal
    but just dumb luck of the kind I could use on the tables now.
    I must have misread your posts last week as I thought you were going to be there. Anyway, hope to see you at the next one

    Billy C
  11. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Billy C

    Billy C, Good for you, tournaments, BJ and romance, what a combination:celebrate

    I am happy for you.:)

    Maybe next time you can make the final table, I know you have the skillz;)

    I am doing 3 tourneys, this weekend and the next and another in November. Slot and VP tourneys. I get my best shot at the real money tables at those tourneys and it also gives my wife something to do as she also plays in the tourneys. We have a real good time and if I had been at Ignace the fact that the tables were always full would have totally bummed me out. I do miss seeing everyone. I have also put together a "BJ Bash" for 08 that I am very much looking forward too with a get together of some BJ Mavens from around the Midwest, some to be initiated into the M.M.O.A. Group. Our guest of honor is a Mr. "Wong" a legendary "Black Arts Black Jack Master" from China.:cool:

    My Best,
  12. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Billy, you DOG! No wonder you were in such a good mood on Sunday morning. :laugh:
  13. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Yes, it made the long trip home much more tolerable.
    Really enjoyed seeing you and Deb, Dan and Judy Mayo, Schultzy and Peggy and numerous other regulars again.
    For the last year or two, I've considered NOT going to St. Ignace (gas prices) but when I think about all the positives it's just to good to eliminate.
    Hope to see all of you again at the next one (March, I think).
    Good health to all!

    Billy C
  14. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    that we know how the tourney went for the celebs here and even about Billy C's Voracious Love Life;), how did you VP AP's do at JOB?

  15. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    We got:


    Any questions? :p
  16. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Wow, sorry to hear that. Schultzy said that he helped you carry several hundred to the cage.:confused:

    I will be at a VP tourney there this weekend and planned on running some money through those machines......any advice.

  17. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Yes, he did (Thanks again, Schultzy!), but that pile of bucketfuls was a tad less than half of what I'd already donated.

    Advice on the tourney or on those $1 JoB's?

    As far as the JoB's - Get a straight flush or two, OR pop the $4,000 Royal. We got none, and I don't think that Billy C got any of those, either. Since the base game is 99.54%, no Royal (1.98% contribution) or straight flush (.55%) turns it into a roughly 97% game that will drain your bankroll quite nicely. I ran about $25K through them and ended up just a bit on the low side of expectation. :(

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