Posting Policy: Be careful with identity

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Several of our users, myself definitely included, have been making posts congratulating one member or another about winning or placing in an event.

    I wanted to go on record with the following however:

    Please be careful about posting any information that might reveal a person's identity. Many of our members are careful with their usernames, and prefer that their actual identity is not disclosed. By posting messages that relate a particular username to a finish in a particular event, you endanger their anonymity.

    If you want to congratulate another member here, please confirm with that member via email or private message before making a post, and ask whether they would prefer to be mentioned by real name, username, or neither.

    I don't want to throw a bucket of cold water on these messages, and I sincerely hope we'll continue seeing these posts. I'm merely asking that you respect our users' wishes of anonymity.

    This clarification is not a response to any particular post, and noone has complained about a problem, but I wanted to address it before that happened.

    One last item: Please do not disclose any results from the upcoming World Series of Blackjack second season before the episodes air on TV. I know there will be a surge of interest after this event, but we must respect the wishes of GSN to keep the results under wraps as much as possible.

    The impatient among you can rest assured that the outcome won't change between filming and broadcast (as much as I would have liked them to change last season!). :p
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    You're tellin' me. No matter how many times I see Tiki flip that '3' over to give MIT Mike the win, i keep thinking "this is the time she busts & I take first place!"

    -holly d.
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Identity Problems

    Good post Ken you are correct some members might want to remain in the weeds.As for me with my name JOEP on this site no one can figure out who I am, so I feel safe
  4. You are correct. Who is that masked man? And where did they get the model for the male picture on the back of the Hilton shirts?
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    The secret is out

    Thank's to Bradley Peterson my 3 year secret of being the model used on the Million Dollar Tournament T-shirt has finally been revealed.I found it hard to believe that no one in 3 years ever discovered this. ;)

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