Posting Policy Change: Please Read

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Due to the new bill that will likely become law within the next few days, I am forced to make the following change to the posting policy:

    In any message you post to the board, please refrain from linking to any online casino or poker room. Messages that violate this policy will be either edited or deleted.

    At this time, I believe that mentions are OK, but links are not. This is subject to change once I get further clarification.

    In addition, please insure that your signature does not include links to any online casino or poker room.

    Thanks for your understanding.
  2. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    C. Online betting sites will likely not be able to post banner ads and links to gaming sites, especially those based inside the US. "Aiding and abetting" laws could result in arrest and prosecution for those who provide links to US residents. Poker magazines, online betting forums, and even MadJacks could suffer. I remain uncertain as to how severe this impact will be, especially at MadJacks. But for the hundreds of poker sites/sports sties and blogs out there that are dependent upon online poker and sportsbook advertising, many will go out of business. Once again, this might not seem a big issue to everyone, but these are the pioneers who are bringing in new poker players and sports bettors and when they dry up, the market shrinks and everyone is adversely affected.

    D. Many sites use what are called affiliates. Persons who are affiliates and live inside the US will now be subject to arrest and prosecution, particularly those who do not block financial transactions from the US.
    Better change it on your other site, we would hate to see you in jail, wonder if you can get internet in jail?
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    By midnight Tuesday night, there will be no links to online casinos on any of my sites.

    Here's the first casualty:

    This really sucks.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I feel for you. Hang in there.

  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I'm so sorry!


    You will always have my support. I can't thank you enough for what you and this site have done and anything I can do to help, I will. A thought: Can you not get a webhost outside of the US, say in the UK?


  6. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Hang in there Kenneth

    Hard to believe that this is actually happening. I am sure that the clouds will part at some point. Thanks for the great contribution to the BJT community up to now and hopefully things will sort out for the future.

    "There must be a better way"
  7. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Hope it all works out

    Good luck Ken. I can't believe they won't see sense in the end.

    Regarding Reachy's idea for a workaround - If hosting outside the US would still not be permissible, the only other thing I can think of would be to structure the sites so that the ads only appear to those viewing from outside the US. (After all, that would be the market the advertisers would have to be targetting anyway.)
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Listen to the lot of you"

    Hang in there.......

    The sun will come out tomorrow........

    Geez - 'Ol George hasn't even signed the bill!

    Besides there is the 270 provision in there also!

    Will the sky fall on our online gaming world? Heck I don't know (that's right folks I admit it) However, until that time I'm going to enjoy what's going on now. I'll play right up until the stroke of midnight - heck I play that late anyway.

    Come on, let the moral majority police march up to my house and carry me away with handcuffs for playing elimination BJ - I dare them. :mad:

    Just don't give up! How many times have you been at a table, dealt a 14-16 with the dealer showing an Ace? What happens do you just give up and go home? Heck no!

    Never give up - Never Surrender! ​
  9. noman

    noman Top Member


    Well as usual I was wrong. Didn't consider they'd tack it on to a crucial bill at the last second.

    But to continue my streak, since complaining to your congressman won't work, here's my modest proposal. No Indian Casino's. No Berman Management Indian Casino's especially. Cause the guys who tacked that on and voted for it, both sides, were bagged by Abermouth, who might as well be attached at the hip to Berman.
  10. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Holy Crap.....

    Am I still allowed to wear my Party Poker hat out in public?

    I don't have a PP hat ...but who could be surprized at anything these days..

    Yes the band continued to play as the Titanic sank....:sad:
  11. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    I'll sell you my PP hat cheap.
  12. elyssez

    elyssez Member


    Haven't you figured it out yet? Lately, on this site, it seems sky is always falling over something. Otherwise, what would these 'Hairy Marys' have to complain about?
  13. elyssez

    elyssez Member


    Please understand I mean no disrespect for you. But you announce a policy change (both valid and understandable in light of this Bill), and these guys are ready to call your time of death and nail your coffin shut!! It's pathetic.


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