Problems with Global program?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Aug 24, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    The other day at the final table hand 15 froze before the game was done. The dealer never played her hand. BR1 took the game and there was no dispute because most of the players had busted trying to pull BR1. Then yesterday another confusing program glitch. Hand 15 of course. BR1 had a good lead but not a sure thing. Seat 1 timer went on and on as it had for much of the game. I cant remember if seat 1 took a card. The next seat was BR1 seat 2. This player had drawn 20. I knew then BR1 must split for me to have a chance of advancing but the timer just kept on going for seat 1 Im sure. Next thing I knew a pop up came and said I timed out, I clicked OK and the game came back but skipped over me and BR1. I would have surrendered to secure a $40 credit seeing BR1 didnt split but if BR1 had split would have opened a door to a good probability for me. The play then advanced to the next player seems like BR2 in seat 5, maybe seat 4 busted too, no reference data to check but I think this player was busted already. BR2 dbled his stiff and busted.

    OK, here is what makes me wonder. In chat post game a few were stating they had troubles on various tables. From my table BR1 said couldnt bet on last hand, I dont know if BR1 meant couldnt stand or split because BR1 had a bet in the circle. The question, was the game outcome altered because of the glitch? If BR2 had won the double the advance would have gone to BR2 even if BR1 won the hand of 20. BR1 is an experienced player, maybe the statement in the chat room about not being able to bet meant BR1 was going to split to secure a BR2 double win. Of course there is no way of knowing, but thats the problem. The glitch left room to wonder what would have happened if everyone would have drawn their cards, clicked split, clicked stand, etc.

    Im not complaining but am a little concerned. I think the player who advanced deserved it because of some good bets along the trail.



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