Question about Global Player Casino

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by ChainReaction, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. ChainReaction

    ChainReaction New Member

    I've got a question about Global Player Casino, and I want to preface it by saying this is not meant to be an accusation or anything....

    I've never gambled on blackjack online, but the other day I signed up for Global Player Casino. By the end of the day I was up $180, and I had started with $20. I thought to myself, "Wow! Certainly it can't be this easy!".

    Now it seems the past two days I can't win a thing. I swear I have not gotten a blackjack since that first day (more like an abundance of 15 and 16 counts).

    I've gambled in a real casino, and I know I didn't win money nearly as fast or as easy as I did the other day, and I didn't go through a two day spell of not winning anything either.

    Would it be unreasonable to assume that online casinos have to power to tilt the odds in their favor? Like they could give a player an advantage when they first sign up, to get them interested, then tilt the advantage in the casino's favor to try and recoup some losses? I know that this is certainly possible since we are dealing with computer software, but does anyone know if this is done? I hope this isn't the case.

    In any case, as I said before, this isn't any sort of accusation or anything, just a question out of curiosity. I think some of you know the mgt. at Global Player, and probably at other online casinos, so I would appreciate any insight anyone can give me.

    P.S. - In case this question is on anyone's mind, I'm not writing this becasue I blew the entiree $180 I won. Luckily I decided to stop after I lost $40. Not that it is anyone business, but just a "pre-emptive strike" before someone accuses me of just complaining because I lost all my money. Thanks :)
  2. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    GP results

    I don't think your results are unusual, I have experienced both good and bad runs on GP. I don't think the games are set loose or tight, it is just the nature of the game. My problem, whether it be online or in a land based casino, is learning to walk when the table is cold. Sometimes on GP one game will be cold, but if you switch to another it will be hot. Other times all will be good, and other times nothing seems to work. Sometimes it helps to play multiple hands, other times if you do all you accomplish is loosing your money faster. Same is true no matter where you play.

    There are some casino's that have been blacklisted for not having true odds. Here is a link to a list.
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    Chain reaction question

    I'd say the downside to the bj games on gp is the continuous shuffle. That's a slot bet at best. So if you won, consider yourself lucky.

    I've played, while waiting for a sit n go to fill up, only to kill time and I only feel safe playing a buck.

    I will say I've contacted their support people a couple of times and I'm inpressed with their concern, courtesy and willingness tohelp and answer your questions.

    One occassion they e=mailed me my entire play record to prove the point.

    They were right and I think they are honest and have integrity. Don't think so many players from this site would play on it, if they didn't feel the same. You've got some of the top playas in the world on it. and they know a heck of a lot more than I do. They wouldn't do it, if it was funky. Heck they won't even go to the 30 or 50 sit and goes, because of the vig.
  4. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Shuffle on GP

    Not all games on GP are shuffled after every hand. The only one that I play that I notice is shuffled every hand is the single deck, but you can play up to three hands at a time on it. Most multiple deck games go several hands between shuffles. You can track shuffles by watching the discard tray when you play. When the cards disappear it means they have been shuffled.

    Towards the end of the each month GP hosts what they call the game master tourney (GMO). You win a seat to play based on cumulative wins starting with $50 buy in with live money. Check out the rules if you are interested in playing.
  5. noman

    noman Top Member


    Dang, I mustbe blind. a couple handsbefore reshuffle in six or eight decks is like reshuffle off the top in a single deck.

    I don't think there's any ad in their side games

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