Question for anyone Knowing the LA area

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by angelrun5, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    I am going to be leaving Thursday for a trip to LA. Well I land in LA but am going to vist my son in the navy at Point Mugu about an hour away from LA. What I want to know are there any Casino's worth visiting around that area? I will have about 15 hours to kill on Monday before my flight leaves and though that might be a good way to kill time any suggestions? :)
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    That was my Deb, in case anyone thinks it's just some "nobody" trolling for info.
    She's particularly interested in halfway decent quarter video poker plays (Yes, she knows this is a BJ forum).
  3. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member



    Although I'm from northern CA and have only visited Barona Casino in southern CA about 30 minutes east of San Diego I'm sure research of CA Indian casinos on this web site will reveal the information you seek.

    LOL LeftNut, congrats on your televised UBT 2nd place finish by the way but most of us know Angelrun5 is not a "nobody" and we anxiously await her CBS appearance as the word on the street is she's much better looking than you.

    Oh yes, we also know she's your Deb.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2007
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member


    Heh heh heh - OK, Rookie, ya got me there. I was just trying to help her, we had asked for advice from an L.A. resident of our acquaintance but heard nothing back. Just wanted to be sure that no one thought she was one of those folks who merely "plop" into this site and ask for free advice.

    She sure is better lookin' than me, but that's not a huge compliment since it's like comparing road kill to the Mona Lisa! :laugh:
  5. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    Thanks Rookie, I know about Barona but that is about a 3 hour drive from where I will be. And I have searched the Southen CA Casino's and it all looks greek to me since I don't know the area at all, most searchs I have done just bring up all the Casino's in CA.
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    HI Deb, I live near Point Mugu. The closest casino to Ventura is Chumash in Santa Barbara about 1 hr 20 min from your destination. I dont know about the VP, but thats your closest chance. If you do go you will pass thru Santa Barbara and drive the coast. Worth the trip. Contact me PM if you have questions.
  7. maxwell

    maxwell Member

  8. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    Thank you

    Thank you to all for your Help with finding Casinos out here near LA. I will get to see at least one of them on Monday.

    PS. Maxwell my son says thank you :D
  9. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Handshake And Salute To Your Son-hope You Enjoy Your Visit To The Max

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