Question for Hollywood?

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by Capt.BlackJack, Feb 11, 2006.

  1. Going thru old threads and clicking on links lead me to Advantage Player and I see your picture right up front promoting the book Hollywood BlackJack. Has this been released yet and how long did it take to do the book? I know many here on the site have Books and ect and this is something I would like to do in the future but have yet to achieve the recognition, attention and status of being one of the best. Congrats on the book and I'm sure I will have a copy in my library soon.

    Take Care

  2. Dear Captain,

    With all due respect, please hire an editor for your yet to be released and forthcoming book. The proper English is one of the better, not one of the best. There cannot be one of the best as there can only be one best. Best means or implies singular or omnipotent. Ergo, one cannot be one of the best.

    I am looking forward to Dave's book as well as yours.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2006
  3. Thanks

    Wow! You impress me with your knowledge. Yes my grammer does lack and I make no bones about that. Definately would need an Editor for my forth-coming book.

    Take Care

  4. I was not trying to impress you or anyone else, my kind Sir. If you knew me, you would understand that within the parameters of knowledge as an impression, I could care less what anybody thinks about me. Best of luck and success.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2006
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Bradley WILL impress you...

    If you ever get a chance to sit down and chat with Bradley, DO IT! Have him tell you a few of his blackjack adventures.

    He is one of the most entertaining people I know and anytime I spend time with him is enjoyable. Not only is he a very intelligent person he is perhaps one of the top 4 blackjack players in the world. I have been told that by several players, thats not just my opinion.
  6. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Book Update

    You could title it THE ABD of BLACKJACK.
    Joe Pane’s bringing a book out but still waiting for the foreword by Beverly Griffin.
    Rick Jensen has completed volume 10 of his book. Now that he has finished his introduction he will start on chapter 1.

    Only kidding guys….lol
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    For the junk pile:

    Bradley's English grammer lesson.

    Yeah, yeah. In strict construction and when making comparisons to degree, u are correct sir, but in an euphemistical statement that is one because it doesn't sound awkward to the ear," one of the best" works, has worked and will continue to work. "I want to be one of the better" "I want to be one of the better players." "I want to be one of the better ones."

    I guess u don't end a sentance with.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Joep we're getting ragged on from across the pond...LOL.

    Andy, I heard your getting WSOB in Europe now, (at least England) is that true?

  9. Maybe I am a putz. :D

    English was always my worst (opposite of best) subject anyway. Back when I went through 4 years of high school with nearly straight A's every year, the ONLY subject that I ever got a B in was English.
  10. noman

    noman Top Member

    Brad/Beta and English:

    Gosh Brad:

    Who knows. Since grades are largely qualitative, u're best, most knowledgeable subject, just may have been English.

    To belabor the point: Some adjectives and adverbs are absolute in their meaning and cannot be logically compared: such as: unique,empty,dead,perfect,entirely. Logically there are no degrees to those.

    One could make the case that in formal writing "best" falls into the absolute category, however in common, informal speaking and writing, it has taken on a comparative quality.

    U are the best red chipper. Norm is the best green chipper, Kenny is the best black chipper, Queenie is the best rainbow chipper.

    Each is the best and one of the best.

    Now as far as tournament rules, anticipation of conflicts and resolution, parameters of play, et al....yours are the best.

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