question re. vegas casinos

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by WumpieJr, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. WumpieJr

    WumpieJr New Member

    This question is about BJ, but not TBJ so I thought it would fit best here.

    I'm planning to make the drive on out to Vegas in the next few weeks. Despite living so close (LA) I've only been once before, so I don't really know the ropes. I'm wondering the following. If I play the low-limit BJ (like $5 or $10 min) games, do they care if I blatantly (and futilely) attempt to count cards provided I restrict myself to a minimum bet? I have a feeling they are counter-phobic enough to deny me that, despite the fact that I wouldn't make any money. I've been practicing up and I want to try it with some real distractions. I figured there'd be a few people on this site who'd know if and perhaps where this is a possibility.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    You need to expand this or clarify your statement. Your statement indicates "flat betting". If that's the case, they will welcome you with open arms and you can stand on your head for all they would care. :D However, "blatantly" showing what you are doing is a no no.

    PS: During off hours, morning and early afternoon on weekdays, $10 games can be found on the strip at Harrah's group casinos. Just watch the rules. In general, the lower the minimum bet, the worse the rules. And 6:5 payouts on BJ: JUST SAY NO
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2007
  3. noman

    noman Top Member


    First of all, good luck finding a five or ten game that isn't csm or 6-5. Or restrictive on doubles and splits. If a shoe, isn't cut one fourth. If single deck 6-5 lucky to find a dealer that deals once out. And max limits are probably 300 to 500.

    So, I'm sorry, but counting, with nothing to count, and no top end worth shooting for, not only would they not care, if you thought you were blatanly counting, they'd probably let you sit there with a pad and pencil. Opps, I just showed my age. Change that to a calculater. Or whatever new electronic device.

    Either go with your 5/10 stake to enjoy the atmosphere of playing in vegas, with NO expectations, or give them $500 up front for your free Buffett.

    BJMAILMAN Member

    Card counting

    I would say don't let anyone know you are counting. Most of the casinos would treat you like airport security if you mentioned bomb. Do your $5 bets and if the count is high try $10. This is just for your own practice. Goodluck.
  5. MrPill

    MrPill Active Member

    Keep it a Secret


    I would not advise advertising that you are working on counting, or any other type of advantage play. What happens if you get on a "streak" and win a fair amount of hands? Even with flat betting you might get into trouble.

    There are still a few games around Downtown that offer the Red Chip Player a beatable game. We just got back from a few nights there ourselves and was able to cover all expenses including airfare plus some. :D

    Avoid the 6/5 games like the plague though.

    Good Luck,
  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I like the attitude dude....go get em. :laugh:

    For BJ questions try the sister site to this, run also by the impeccable Ken Smith, it is

    Just watch out for zgrifter (LOL ;) )

    As far as counting....PM Joe P for great sites to AVOID!

    Finally for inexpensive games - go downtown. Last time I was there Fremont had a double deck with 50% penetration for $10

    Binions has $5 shoe games also as does Fitz.

    Best place to practice your counting CV. And if you want to practice counting with distractions take you computer to TX's Gentleman's club! Yahoo!
  7. WumpieJr

    WumpieJr New Member

    Thanks a bunch for the advice guys. The first time I was there I did play in a $5 game at the Tropicana that was dealt from a shoe and got about 50% through. Took me a while to get a seat though. Sounds like downtown is the ticket... I'll have to look into Red Chip Player as well (don't even know what that means ^_^).
  8. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Red Chip Player


    "Red Chip Player" is one that uses red chips. Traditionally red chips are $5 chips and would be your lower bankrolled players.

  9. WumpieJr

    WumpieJr New Member

    Oooh, I got it. I thought there was a game called "red chip player." I was gonna be all over that ^_^ Now that I know it's not a game, I'm still all over it because I am in fact... a red chip player.
  10. LVHCM

    LVHCM Banned User

    Forget the Fremont. Try shopping dealers for pen at Terribles or Boulder Station.

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