Radio Show Archives

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Kenny E. first 3 radio shows are now available to listen to at your leisure at click on to radio show link

    Opening show 6/23/05 Kenny E.

    Week 2 6/30/05 Kenny E. ( Guest) Joe Pane

    Week 3 7/7/05 Kenny E. & Joe Pane (Guest) Anthony Curtis

    Other shows will be available shortly enjoy them and feel free to comment or give us feedback on your thoughts on the show.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    This will be a nice resource. I'll be sure to mention it in my next BlackjackInfo newsletter.
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    Bravo Norm and Kennye

    Two of the hardest working guys in the BJ community. Giving back to the masses a wealth of information and insight.

    And that's not to disparage those who diligently work behind the scenes with revealing info, cause you'all know who you are.
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Please Explain Norm

    Noman, Kenny E and I (Joep) really appreciate the kind words .But I have one question that I really need the answer to how did I get the "nickname" of Norm.You are now the second person that has called me that and I'm busting to know. :laugh:
  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    Radio archives

    Joep: (NORM!)

    Familiar, friendly, face...genial a friendly bar. Bar being on line, here or global, (though I'm sure same would be true in an actual bar).

    More common wisdom and information than a cliff claven.

    And TX would probably say your physique matches....though I wouldn't go that far.
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Obstructed View

    Now that you have explained the reason for calling me Norm Im no longer busting to know.As far as Tx goes when was the last time he even saw what color cowboy boots he has on.When he is standing straight up he has a obstructed view to his feet if you know what I mean :laugh:
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    Radio show:

    Norm: You didn't read all or the most important parts of the post. The TX reference was just to stir waters. the first three paragraphs were the real reason. and they are sincere. You complained about folks not reading the fine print in your slot post and yet, you got carried away by one small aside that wasn't even jermain to the meaning. Everyone but the casinos love ya
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Not Carried Away

    Noman I didn't get carried away,but anytime there is a opening to bust Tx chops I for the life of me can't pass it up.You opened the door and I stepped through.Noman I can feel the "LOVE" its all around me, your kind words are heard loud and clear.When you are ever in Las Vegas let me know I would love to have you as my guest in the studio and we can have dinner after the show .Who knows we might even be able to get Kenny E to join us .
  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    Radio Show:

    NORM! Dinners on you. Drinks on me.

    My tab will be higher!
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Getting me in trouble Noman

    Hell Noman, Joep doesn't bother me, he just loves busting my balls. Joep is my buddy and I hope he does good this year on some of the TV blackjack shows so I can start busting his balls a little more. It's just no fun jacking with someone that never has gotten out of the first round on TV...LOL.

    I know he going to do some ball busting now....LOL.

    PS. Joep I got you a new Hooters shirt, I'll see you on the 10th.
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    What Can I Say

    What can I say TX you are 100% right.It is better to have multiple "Brain Farts" and win like you did, then to play right and lose . I would ask you to go over your plays again but if you can't even remember your own phone number how in the hell will you remember your "Brain Farts".Let me help you out in case you get lost and need to call home its 1-800-Fat -Texs :laugh:
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    As long as we agree...LOL

    Joep I believe in you and I think you will do good this year. Just let last year go, I doubt you we'll get SMOKED again...LOL.

    My money is on you to get out of the first round on at least one of the seven shows...LOL.

  13. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Short Memory

    You speak about me never getting out of a first round on TV like I played in numerous ones.I remind you my only TV apperance was on WSOB and we all know what happened to me on the last hand.I would not change anything I did on that show or in particular the last hand I was a huge favorite to win especially against the bets that I faced I only needed to win my hand and I had a 20 vs a dealers 3 .I rest my case,can you say the same.
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No I can't

    Your right Joep, but like Ken Smith always say's "There is always a better bet"...LOL.

    I can't say the same because I did advance...LOL. This is fun, I having busted your balls in a while.

    *Note for other members, Joep and I just bust each others balls from time to time. I had several e-mail wanting to know why we were mad at each other, we're not...LOL.
  15. justlsuteddy

    justlsuteddy Member

    Archives Format

    I'm glad you have started putting the radio show online. Now I can finally load them onto my player and listen to them on the way to work.

    A quick suggestion, save them as mp3's (instead of WMA) and post them to the iTunes podcasting store. Also set the compression settings so the whole show is under 10megs. Right now its over 50 megs each and WMA can be a pain to play sometimes. If you want I'll even do this for you and email you the file.
  16. cmonseven

    cmonseven New Member


    Please keep both formats because I don't have the latest technology of MP3 players and love listening to the show on WMP.
  17. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Show Recordings

    MP3?? WMP?? I'm an old fart, can anybody record them on an 8-track and mail them to me?!
  18. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    8 Track how old are you :laugh:
  19. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member


    Hey, I still have all my Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Croce, (acoustical) Bob Dylan, Byrds and Moody Blues on 8-Tracks!
  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Were not that old

    Damn Chips, I saw Jim Croce and Moody Blues in concert (not together).

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