Radio Show Guest For March 16th

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    We are pleased to announce a very special guest who is a valued member who post here on this site and other blackjack sites with his vast knowledge and years of experience of playing blackjack all over the world. He also has been thrown out of casinos all over the world which means he can play with the best of them.Some even say he is the best counter who has been applying his trade for many years .We are pleased to have Michael Castellano (AKA) Bradley Peterson as our guest this Thursday night at 6 PM Pacific Time.The show airs on KLAV 1230 on the am dial here in Las Vegas or you may listen to it live over the internet at the following two links


    phone numbers for the show for questions and comments

    Toll Free 1-866-820-5528

    locally 702-731-1230
  2. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    oh crap...

    what time will hollywood be calling in?
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Always Welcome

    Hollywood is always welcome to call the show anytime he wants to.Is there a reason that you think he would be calling in for ?
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Cruel, cruel, cruel.....

    Ya'll are bad, but I was wondering the same thing when I read MP would be your guest this week.

    Sidekicks question (I'm sure) has to do in part with posts at LVA this week.
    As if you didn't already know...your cruel Joep...LOL.
  5. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Joep in my brain

    my brain has Joe's sarcastic tone ingrained in my head now.Reading his above post, that tone was turned on once I read "Why."


  6. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Will it be on here

    I was hoping that Ken would be airing last nights show on this site as in previous weeks.
    Any news on this.
    Andy. :sad:
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I do have last night's show recorded, so I'll be posting it soon.
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Johnny On The Spot

    Ken Smith to the rescue again.If there was a current player ranking system you might earn points for this :laugh:
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2006
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  10. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Ken Smith

    Just to say thank you for the show.
  11. instagator

    instagator New Member

    King of Vegas Marathon

    Today Spike is running a King of Vegas marathon so we can all watch Hollywood until we throw up. LOL
    Seriously Joe, I look forward to you having Dave on the show as a guest. It would be interesting to hear Ken and Hollywood discuss the off camera happenings behind the filming of the show.
  12. Unlikely

    Based solely on three different eyewitness accounts of the incident that you spoke of, I highly doubt that you will hear this specific subject matter discussed between these two individuals on this specific radio show.
  13. Rando

    Rando New Member

    I watched the marathon....sadly I think H Dave talked himself out of contention...but then again maybe he talked himself into a seat at the next giveaway....who knows...

    Who ended up winning....? Or isnt it over yet?

    The show was ok...I dont know how popular it was with the general public...I can see why there is hesitation about BJ ever taking off much like poker has in the TV world... I think Poker is only popular becasue of the BIG money really....

    I didnt catch how they chose the field for KOV but its a good thing they had H. Dave, the old guy with the cane, and the girl with the big hooters......watching the young poker guy (black dude...I forget his name) was about as exciting as watching paint matter his talent....he was were the rest that I saw....I didnt see the early shows so maybe I missed some entertaining characters....

    After watching this show I guess I feel that it will be difficult for BJ to ever get a chance in the lime light...

    I watch every BJ show but does the average Joe?
  14. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member


    nope the King of Vegas is yet to be crowned...tonite's the last episode & its down to one pro - poker player David Williams - and two donkeys. The strange thing about this show was the equalizing power of not only having so many amateurs in contention (As in the recently taped WSoBJ) but the fact that many of the games were not only so luck-based (Roulette, Red Dog, Pai Gow, etc) but had multipliers attached to the payouts that effectively leveled the playing field over the short-term. I still felt that my knowledge of betting correlations and other general tournament math gave me a big edge over the field, and hey, 9 out of 10 episodes ain't bad! But not good enough, and i will probably forever be tormented by being called all-in by a donkey with bottom pair and no kicker...i can rant & rave all i want, but as the better player who read my opponent as weak on that final hand and tried to push him outta the pot, i should've realized that bad players just won't make the laydowns you expect them to make -- so ultimately, it was my fault for exposing myself to getting caught in a semi-bluff.

    In terms of talking up a storm, it truly didn't distract me from making the same decisions i woulda made, regardless of the often faulty voiceover from the 'cemmentators.' You bring up an interesting point though, about how 'exciting' these gambling shows are/need to be in order to attract an audience...obviously, we the gambling faithful will watch just about anything related to what we do on television, but the trick is in retaining the much larger mass public. And that's a realm in which gambling skill is only a fraction of the big picture -- memorable, exciting characters are instrumental to creating that. Unfortuneately this often presents a paradoxical situation, in which what is good for the target, mainstream audience alienates the purists, and what is desired by the gambling-savvy is often boring or uneventful to the general public.

    King of Vegas certainly played much more to the mainstream in many of its casting, editing, and stylistic choices (and, unfortunately, in just plain not paying attention to the many basic gambling details that would have been easy to rectify had some more homework been done in the writing phase); but one cannot ignore the fact that its ratings were much higher than many of the other blackjack shows that have been attempted thus far. That means an audience was there, albeit one not nearly as sophisticated as we all would have hoped for a show with an initial concept that seemed to have much potential.

    I for one am always conscious of the balancing act between creating the drama/conflict/character/showmanship that will make for better ratings to the general public, while never losing sight of the vast amount of training, discipline and work that goes into truly calling oneself a pro player. Often its difficult to serve these two masters, and unfortunately i learn more and more about these often mutually exclusive concepts every day. But after over 40 episodes of gambling television under my belt in the last 2 years, i guess i must be doing something right -- so i'll keep plodding along. And maybe next year i'll finally win that damn million dollar prize in some spectacular Survivor-meets-WSOP-meets-extreme-sports hybrid that endeavors once again to name some man, woman, or child the best something-or-other of all the something-or-others. Hey, as long as there's a cash prize & it has to do with gambling, its all good, right? ;)

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2006
  15. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Donkey's ?

    I agree with almost everything in your post except calling 2 of the remaining players "donkeys" which reminds me of your "old white men" tournament player post. The 2 "donkeys" eliminated you under the existing rules/conditions of the 2005 KOV, which applied to all including you so no excuses please. Take your beat like a man and maybe say congratulations to those that continued further than you, don't degrade them in an immature and jealous manner. They whooped you fair and square with rules that were equal to all including you, please don't state the rules or games were unfair to you to level the playing field, everyone played the same games. The rules are the rules and each player has to adjust ,not complain the rules did not give me an advantage to win.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2006
  16. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    6 of one, half dozen of another

    on the contrary, i freely admitted that the loss was my fault and my fault alone... semi-bluffing a less skilled poker player is often a bad strategy, and my loss on KoV is my cross to bear alone. sorry i can't be more gracious, but i promise you something much more valuable in the long run: blatant honesty. ;)

  17. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I didn't watch last night. So, who's the King of Vegas?
  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Don't ask!

    You'll just get sick...LOL! :eek:

    It was between Jerry (the old guy) and Alan (the Michigan Porn star).

    That's already bad enough....LOL

    The lucky winnner was: Alan :eek:

    He won a Million dollars and the title. :eek:

    He may never win another thing the rest of his life, but for this show he ended up being the best, (or luckest anyway). :D

    The biggest problem I had with this show (besides me not getting to play on it...LOL) was that most of the players didn't have a clue what they were doing! If your down by $10,000 on the last hand and the leader bets $2,000, what the hell good is a $5,000 even money bet on the last hand? I saw this type of play over and over again every week.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2006
  19. TFulmer

    TFulmer New Member

    Random Probability Beats Skill

    David was eleminated in the prelim rounds (Did fine in Blackjack, but lost in the chance games like MiniBacarat and Roulette). Leaving Jerry and Alan in the death match. Jerry was up enough that he lost an all in and still had a decent chip count left. Then Jerry called another all in with an Ace in the hole, Alan had pocket aces. So Alan came out on top in the end.


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