Reaaaaally beginner

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Ignatius, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. Ignatius

    Ignatius New Member

    Hi all!
    I am a beginner, and when i say a beginner I mean that! :D
    What do you recomend me to read in order to start in blackjack tourneys? I am in Argentina so it is kind of hard to get books so i think i have to start with online articles and stuff like this. Can anyone help me get started (i mean with theory)?:laugh:

    Thanks in advance

  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    You're actually at the perfect place to begin your journey through the world of blackjack tournaments. This site is, by a long shot, the very best source out there. Spend some quality time poking through old postings, especially the "Teasers" section. Ask questions, most here will be glad to help if you're serious. Buy Ken Smith's online E-book, available here and generally regarded as the best available for the modern game.

    Learning all that you can about strategy online before you sit down at a "live" BJT table can serve you quite well.
    It's how I got started when I was somewhat accidentally thrust into the game, and I have no complaints. :D
  3. tgun

    tgun Member

    fast start

    Hi A.Pope,

    The fastest way to get started is to download Ken Smith's Book regarding BJ Tournament stratagies to you computer. You can also purchase paper books from this site or other sites. Finnally you can seach the archive files here for free.

    Good luck,

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