Recommendations for Vegas?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by DanMayo, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Too All,

    My wife and I will be going out to vegas for 6 nights starting 4/24/05. We have decided to rent a car so that we can hopefully get off THE strip and away from downtown to play in some small tourneys.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for good one day tournys with low cost entry fees ($100 or less) that would fall into this time frame. Seems like a lot of the local casino's have weekly tourneys that happen on various days of the week.

    Thanks in Advance,
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Dan Mayo's Personal Assistant

    I fell like Dan Mayo's personal assistant here.Only kidding Dan.On Monday's and Friday's the Cannery has a BJ Tournament entry fee I believe is $10.Start time is 10a.m. Tuesday and Thursday the old Rampart Casino next door to the Suncoast in Summerlin has a BJ Tournament starting at 10 a.m. entry fee is $10.On Thursday evening the Fiesta Henderson has a BJ Tournament starting at 6 p.m. entry fee there is $25.On Saturdays Boulder Station has a BJ Tournament starting at 11 a.m. entry fee there is also $25. With the Boulder Station Tournament reservations are suggested as it sell out quick.Dinner at my house is served at 7 p.m. :p
  3. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member



    Would you mind booking these for me? :laugh:

    Just kidding, thanks for the response!
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Rental car discount

    Dan, try dollar for good rates and use the code CTI. You will get a mid-size cheaper. Best deal I have found.
  5. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Thanks Tx


    Thanks for the info on car rental, I will check it out.

  6. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member



    Just wanted to follow up and say thanks for the advice. My wife and I ended up playing in 4 tourneys while out there and had a great time! Made it to a couple of semifinal rounds and my wife made it to one final table but no big wins.

    Plan on getting back out there in June and will probably visit some of these again with the guys this time.

    Pretty sure I saw you playing at a single deck game at LVC on the Sunday night that we arrived (4/24) but it looked like you were with some other folks and I did not want to interrupt and introduce myself to you. Maybe next time.

    Thanks Again,
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Are you sure?

    Dan did the guy have curly hair and a blurred face, that the only way he is shown on TV.....LOL

    Glad you and your wife had fun, hope to see you in June, I'll be at the Rio BJ (10-13) and Stardust (13-15).
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    It was me

    I checked my spreadsheet it was me.I was at the LV Club playing single deck on that evening.Losing I might add. Please in the future always stop by and say hello.The only risk that you may subject yourself to is having your picture taken with me..... :laugh:
  9. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Next Time

    Joe - Yes it did appear that you were having one of those nights, we all do. Next time I will introduce myself, I'll just pull my ball cap down low! :D

    Tx - We won't be in town until the end of June so I won't see you at the RIO or Dust. I will take this though as an invitation to introduce myself when our paths do cross in the future.

  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Caps Down

    Well if you pull you cap way down,and the fact is that mind is usually way down also, we can introduce ourselves to each other and never really see each other so at that point have we really accomplished anything other than knowing what kind of footwear we both wear :joker:
  11. mikeaber

    mikeaber New Member


    I'll be out there at the end of June also Dan. But I'll be downtown most of the time....probably a the Plaza.

  12. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Downtown is The Best


    I sent you a Private Message with my trip details. Maybe we can meet up and play some of the local Tourneys together.


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