Recording a session of play

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by London Colin, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Recent debate about the merits of sending a screenshot to customer services set me thinking ....

    Software exists to record everything that happens on your screen, as a movie file. As with most things, I believe there are commercial applications as well as freeware. I don't have Windows XP, so for all I know there may even be something bundled with that to do the job.

    It does seem potentially useful to be able to record what goes on, not just to capture evidence of any bugs (or indeed to satisfy yourself that a bug was only imagined in the heat of the moment), but also to allow for a play-by-play analysis of a game when it's all over.

    The only possible drawback is if the recorder application puts such a load on the PC that it slows down everything else and interferes with the game.

    Has anybody had any experience with such a utility? I'm thinking of trying some out that are built around the free VNC tool.

  2. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    Here is something I found a while back and tried while playing GP. It is called hypercam and can be found at

    You can try it for free and buy it if you like it for $39.95. I don't recall that it slowed my system down to much, but it was a while back when I tried it.

    Last edited: Oct 18, 2006
  3. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

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