
Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by cmonseven, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. cmonseven

    cmonseven New Member

    From time to time, I like to swing by other message board to catch up on the latest news. Some of the members on those boards are members of BJT as well.
    What disappoints me is that some of those members choose to make disrespectful comments about BJT members on other sites and are not honest with their intentions while posting on BJT. It makes those who choose to be disrespectful look very foolish.

    Let's all play nice and be respectful.

    I have seen these posts many times in the past with certain sites and hope not to in the future. This is a great bj community message board and I hope that all the members here choose to keep it that way.
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Your right

    Yes Angie players shouldn't talk about others and a harmful way, but they do. In fun I give joep all can of shit, but he is one of the first players I would take on my team.

    All I can suggest that if some other sites are commenting on some of our members that we could always arrange some type of tournament with each site getting teams togetter for a winner take all tournament some where in Las Vegas.

    I am sure I could arrange a casino to deal a tournament for us. Might be fun meeting new players and seeing with site can claim to have the top tournament player or players. It could even be a yearly event.
  3. goutman4ever

    goutman4ever New Member

    Make everyone aware

    Hi cmonseven,
    Since I happen to run another blackjack related web community over at DoubleDown Enterprises:BlackjackUnlimited, I'd say if you find a post offensive also be sure to email the manager of the group/community/website. Sometimes it's obvious to all, but other times we don't know what's made someone else uneasy/been considered disrespectful without a heads-up. I know I've got some members who don't like the style of a few players they see on television- and I've sent them emails to watch out about calling them names or stuff just based on what they see on t.v. After all, like I've discussed with Hollywood Dave here before, lots of the "person" we see on t.v. is for the tv- fortunately or unfortunately.

    Btw, Dave, if you're reading this you're still the member of the show I get the most requests to try and get you to come chat on our messageboards. As I've got a little baby due XMAS day, if you get a chance come by and bring some holiday energy to our discussions too, ok? That also goes for anyone else here who wants another place to talk blackjack & casino things :) .
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2004
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    No big deal

    Actually, I think the ragging that Hollywood got here was worse than anything posted on other boards! And yes, for those who haven't figured it out yet, TV Dave is quite a bit different than regular Dave.

    We've got a pretty civil community here. We play nice with others, and I don't see a problem at other boards either. Thanks for dropping by g-man.

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