Results from Grand Tunica

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by ptaylorcpa, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Did anyone from the list make the finals at the Grand in Tunica this past weekend? I know several made it to the semi-finals, but we came on home instead of waiting for the one wild card spot on Sunday.

    It was a great tournament, the only complaint was having to wait to 6:00 pm to play the quarterfinal round on Saturday instead of 4:00 pm because of the larger number of rebuys.

    If anyone was there and saw my last hand bet and play on the quarterfinal table and has any advice on how I might have bet or played it different I would appreciate the advice.

    For what it is worth, here was the final hand situation (I was on the button and BR3, worst position to be in due to misbet on hand 24 where BR3 at that time drew a blackjack to get back into the game when I thought I had at least second place locked):

    BR3 (me) $4800, bet $2300, 53
    BR1 $5200, bet $2500, K6
    BR2 $5000, bet $2400, J6

    Dealer 10 up

    Min bet $100, max $2500. Two advance.

    As far as I can tell, my bet really didn't make a difference because BR1 and BR2 were going to lock the low since they bet behind me. I figured I would have to double whatever I got and hope the dealer busted or try to get a hand that would beat the dealer while one or both got beat. Am I right, or would a bet of $300 to $500 been better?

    With the dealer showing 10 up I really stuggled with the play to make. They called time on me, so I went ahead and doubled down and drew a 4, which gave me 12. At that point BR1 and BR2 just stood on their hands since the only way they could lose would be for the dealer to bust. The dealer flipped a 3 and drew a 5 to make 18. I don't know what I would have done if I had not doubled, but just hit to the 17. I didn't ask to see what the next cards would have been, but if I had stood at 17 I think both the others would still have stood on their 16s. Hitting the 17 probably would have been required to get the others to hit, but busting would have given them no incentive either, so it was probably smartest to have doubled like I did, just would have been more interesting if I had drawn a face or ace instead.

    Whatever you do, don't tell me they called my name for the wildcard...

  2. king147

    king147 New Member

    wild card

    the name called for the wild card was Buddy something, and he was standing near the registration table.
  3. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Thanks King, at least I have some consolation that I didn't leave to early. Do you know who was in the final table or won?

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