Right or Wrong?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 22, 2005.


What would you have done?

Poll closed Apr 11, 2005.
  1. On the over payment of the bonus I would keep the chips.

  2. On the over payment of the bonus I would have told them their mistake.

  3. On the push I would have keep the chips.

  4. On the push I would have told them about the push.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    On a resent trip to a casino I noticed a weak dealer at a Lucky Lady Blackjack game. I sat down and bought in for $300 after about an hour I was up around $1,200.

    I wish I could say it was because of my blackjack skills, but the truth is the dealer was horrible. She paid me on pushes, she was paying the wrong payouts on the Lucky Lady bonus (example: 10 of clubs and 10 of hearts should pay 4 to 1, but she was paying 19 to 1 as a matched pair).

    The casino had just got the game in that day and not one dealer was trained on it. I fiquired if the casino doesn't care if they are dealing it right why should I.

    I made this pole to see how other players would have handled this situation?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2005
  2. mikeaber

    mikeaber New Member

    The way I look at it, it's their problem. They didn't hier me to train their employees. Besides, if you call their attention to the mistake, the dealer could get in trouble and you wouldn't want to jepardize their career would you?
  3. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    I would have told the pit the reason is that I would not want to be charged with dealer/player collusion. With incorrect payouts as high and as wrong as the dealer was giving you, the house could have charged both the player and the dealer. And under gaming laws you would have to hire a good lawyer for your defense to try to prove you and the dealer were not "in bed togather". This would cost far more than the profit you got from the dealer's errors.
  4. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Well Stated ?

    Pokernut your point is well taken but when I read Rick's post I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that he was not playing heads up with the dealer and the incorrect payouts were distributed across the table to all players so that seems hard for the casino to claim he was in collusion with the dealer but rather that mistakes were made due to an untrained and inexperienced dealer. Also I don't agree with you about telling the pit of dealer mistakes in the players favor, if your morals require you to confess about being overpaid tell the dealer not the pit, that eliminates your overpayment, eases your conscience and doesn't get the dealer fired who is probably working for minimum wage plus tips.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2005
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Full table

    Yes rookie it was a full table and all were enjoying larger then normal payouts. The Pit bosses came by regularly as well, I guess they just want to make the new game popular...LOL.

    As far as dealers pay, they wish they got minimum plus tips. Closer to $2.01 - $5.00 hourly plus tips. But more important you brought up a good point about telling the dealer and not the pit boss. I don't want to get anyone in trouble and had I knew the dealer and liked them I would have told them and give them a hard time about it as well, (I am friends with a lot of the dealers).

    However this was not the case at this casino, the dealers were pretty much know it all's and thought they were the best dealers around. I kind of want to tell them just to burst their bubble, but I just settled on letting them give me chips...LOL.

    As far as collusion, I would love for the casino to have me arrested for that. I could make a lot more off that lawsuit then any of us can playing Blackjack...LOL.

    I had this one ass dealing to me that paid me $145 for a $90 BJ. Later with the pit boss watching he paid me $125 on another $90 BJ. I pointed it out to him and he got upset and the pit boss had to correct his mistake. I did mention to that pit boss to watch him and told him about the earlier over payment.

    I am nice to most all dealers until they piss me off, then I can become a Prick (note the "P" is silent, (Rick))...LOL

    That was so bad, I'm calling it a night!
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2005
  6. goutman4ever

    goutman4ever New Member

    Their Responsibility, Not Ours-but becareful!

    I would have kept completely quiet about the mistakes on the payouts, as it is not my obligation to point out mistakes to them. Someone here mentioned something along the lines of "what if they catch you not saying anything?"- the answer is simple. If it's a new game, it's the dealer/house responsibility to pay it out correctly since you could always say you still don't even know the full rules yourself and were just playing.

    From what I understand on previous issues of mistaken payouts, the casinos can demand that you give back any improperly paid funds if they catch it before you leave the table and can show (physical proof) that you shouldn't have been paid. I don't know if this is a legal standard or not in all areas where gambling occurs. But think of where that show would occur- in the casino's inner realm most likely. Most blackjack players have no desire to ever be back there, for many good reasons.

    I had a similar situation on a Royal Match 21 table. I kept my lip zipped and my pocket happy until the pit started paying too much attention, then I "gave up" for dinner :) Never say that lady dealer on that game's table again.
  7. locutus

    locutus New Member

    Similar situation

    This story remind me of a session in a downtown casino a couple of years ago.

    I was counting cards and, of course, after a while the pit poss began to watch my play. I understand that it was time for me to leave.

    Then suddenly I won a hand and the dealer paid to much. I corrected
    the mistake and both the dealer and the pit boss was very glad that I
    told them.

    And after that hand, the pit boss stopped to watch my game and allowed me to
    play the way I liked!

    I do not remember my profit of that session but it was much...far more than
    the extra 25 dollar the dealer almost paid me...
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Why I feel it is okay

    I had someone call me yesterday and ask why I think it is okay to keep the chips on an over payment by the dealer.

    Easy, the first time you get screwed by a dealer it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Mine was in 1984 at the old Harrah's Las Vegas. Then the dealers didn't turn blackjacks over until the hands were played out.

    It was my first trip to Vegas and I was dealt an 11 so I DD against the dealers Ace. The dealer then flip up a picture and took my original bet Plus my DD. I was upset, but not knowing any better I allowed him to do so. It wasn't till later that I found out how he screwed me. Just thinking about that still get me pissed!

    The odds are already stacked against you before you walk in the door. I figure it's a battle between the casinos and us and you take any advantage they are willing to give you to win.
  9. Phil Ivey of BJ

    Phil Ivey of BJ New Member

    As much hell as they give advantage players I say it's just fine what you did. They can chalk up their losses to their own stupidity. I would've taken advantage of that game like a drunk female... oops, I didn't say that!
  10. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Drunk females take advantage of that game?


    -holly d.
  11. Kalex21

    Kalex21 New Member

    tsk tsk

    Wow Phil, it's really sad that you have to get girls drunk to... beat them at blackjack [I'm certain that you weren't referring to taking any other sort of advantage]
  12. Phil Ivey of BJ

    Phil Ivey of BJ New Member

    :eek: :mad: ...Ya'll know what I meant. Get'em drunk, 'split' a pair... keep it moving. You can't lose. :)
  13. They are the ones who made the rules. They are the ones who are responsible for correctly following them on payouts.
  14. Walt

    Walt New Member

    I just want to know where and what casino!
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Best reply yet Walt...LOL.

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