Riverwind tournament

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Other then the fact the dealer on my first round table couldn't make a hand this was one of the best tournaments I've ever played. Our starting bankroll was $2,000 and after 21 hands $16,000 DIDN'T advance...lol.
    The rules were not the best I've ever played, but the staff from the management down to the players club personel were so friendly.
    This is the forth time Riverwind has held this tournamentn but the first time I've ever heard about it, but I can promise you it won't be the last time I play in it.
    I don't brag on too many tournaments now days but this one I'll suggest you come play in if you have a chance. The prize money distrbution is great and by far the nicest casino staff I've ever meet.
    I would like to congratulate Ace Machine for finishing 2nd place and taking down $35,000.
    Also I feel so sorry for Swog who suffered one of the worst bad beats I've ever seen, (I'll let him tell you about it).
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    WOO HOO! Congratulations, AceMachine! Yet another feather in an already overstuffed cap for one of the best BJT players in the country. Great job! :D
  3. matador

    matador Member

    good tournament

    Like TXtourney, I had one of the best rounds I have ever had. Everything I tried worked and I only lost one large bet. I had $6700 and did not advance, you have to really watch the last two hands of an all in tournament. But overall I would play this again.

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