Rocknrolldarrell Here --who is going ??

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by rocknrolldarrell, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. rocknrolldarrell

    rocknrolldarrell New Member

    anyone going to vegas this week for the Hilton Tourney ?? also give me a roll call on the UBT events ?? CA. or Palms ?? or Both ?? Hope to see all you BLACKJACKERS soon--- I will be at The HILTON this Weekend---ROCKNROLLDARRELL---Living for the SNAPPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
  2. marichal

    marichal Member

    congrats darrell on your recent win, wtg. that will buy you a couple of vintage vinyl records. the both of us will be at barona, flying out of seattle for the big event. rock on!!!!
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I'm There

    Lets Rock and Roll D man. I will see you at Barona and at the Palms.Flying in on the UBT Jet from Las Vegas that will fly us back to get to the Palms on time for Friday mornings UBT main event at the Palms.Hope to see you at one of the final tables.

  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Hi R n Roll

    With threats on my life and those doing the threat flying in a lear jet I gotta be there I gotta be there! Sounds like good money event :laugh: Of course I dont know how to play EBJ but at $250 who cares LOL. Ask the Dreamer if he wants a body guard job for a couple days LOL. Do you guys plan on being in Laughlin May event?
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I asked the two of you to not respond to each other.
    Barney gets a 3 day ban.
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    My schedule:
    Hilton? No
    Barona? Unfortunately no.
    Palms? Yes

    I had already made my air travel plans before Barona moved the date. I wish I had known. I arrive in Vegas on Apr 17th
  7. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    In town...

    Hey RnRD: Met you briefly at WSOB qualifiers this year but I'll be at Hilton (and Venetian SnGs on Fri 3/23) and will re-introduce myself.

    As for Barona and Palms, I'm not sure I can fit them into schedule or not yet myself.


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