Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by pokerplayer, Jan 30, 2007.

  1. pokerplayer

    pokerplayer New Member


    I'm new here

    What is a good ROI in EBJ SNG's, how does it compare it with holdem SNG's?
    is your edge bigger, is it smaller?

    if i read stanford wongs book casino tournament strategy do i 'immediatly' have an edge?

    any opionion on the ken einiger book? (can't help it, but when i see his face, i think 'con-artist')

    thank you.
  2. Angel

    Angel New Member

    oh yeah and bonus's too!

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  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    is a standard acronym for Return On Investment so Im guessing thats what you are referring to. I can only guess the ROI for poker SnGs is dependent on your skill level and patience. If your skill level and patience are steady you should get a steady rate of return. I think BJT SnGs will have a little more variance as trends have a greater variance. The problem with BJT, BJT as generic for all blackjack SnGs, is the 10% house vig on top of the 9% charge the transfer agent put on your funds. For example Neteller charged just under 9% which must be considered in the house charge of 10%. So, the actual cost of investment off the bat is 9% plus the expected 10% vig. If you have bad luck during your play you are playing into a 19% investment cost. But, if you have luck in your play you can overcome the total rate of investment cost. For me at bet21 I didnt deposit enough money and had a very good rate of almost 50% in SnGs but here is the problem. I mostly played 10 SnGs and a few 5s. It went very well. Then, I played a few 20$ games and was skunked so even at near 50% win rate I lost small amount of money. I should have played all 10s or did a 10-5-10 regression. Playing the 20s expanded my win:loss ratio. So, you need to have a plan too you just cant shoot from the hip. A big problem I see is gamblers shoot from the hip and expand their losses.

    Now for the next problem, a little off topic, that was the reason I had a draw down in my money at bet21. I said I didnt invest, deposit, enough money. Even tho I did have luck at SnGs play I love to play multi events. I played most all the 5$-20$ multi games. Because the game carries a low EV in multi games you are subject to losing streaks. So, if you lose 40$ or so dollars a day in multi events and have not deposited, invested, enough your career will be short.

    I guess comparing poker and BJT it comes down to having a plan. If you are a good poker player Im sure you have a plan not going all in with a 4 5 high etc. Just as in stock trading have a plan. Thats always the best way to expand your gains or at least expand your chance of gains.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2007
  4. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    Ken Smith said in one post that an 'expert' edge was 20% to 40% better than anaverage player's - S. Yama gave 30% to 50% for 'expert' edge - you need a 10% edge just to overcome the house vig - and can expect a goodly amount of variance - if you read and understood and put into play Wong's stuff at a basic entry level - you can probably go into the game with a 10% edge I would think - and work up to 20% or a little higher pretty quickly -

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