Roll Call for Jackpot Junction (MN) and Orleans (Vegas)

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Billy C, Apr 2, 2008.

  1. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    How many members here are playing these two tourneys? JJ is april 5 and Orleans is April 7-8-9

    Billy C
  2. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Peggy and me will be at Jackpot Junction Saturday. I have to say that I am not really fond of their prize structure. I don't like the fact that they pay-out to 42 people. Personally, I would like to see all the money go to the final table.
  3. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    I think if you take 7th place and you have re-entered twice, you end up a $20 loser (net).

    Billy C
  4. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    I talked to the casino in November, had a really nice converstation with Michelle the tournament director. She was very open to the idea of changing the pay-out to just the final table. I am not the only one that has voiced their opinion on this. I brought this up before Peggy's 6th place finish and $500 pay day too! :mad:
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Let's stay on this. I will put in my 2 cents worth on Saturday.
    This is an otherwise good tourney (good,experienced dealers) and lots of nice people play there (JJ)
    Other things I like about the place are good food, usually good entertainment in the lounge and if you look hard enough you can find playable BJ and VP.
    From my experience, Shell and her assistants have always been pleasant to work with.

    Billy C
  6. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Double down for less

    Another interesting twist is that at Jackpot Junction you can't double-down for less. So, if you have $395, bet the max ($200), you will not be able to double. I have seen people forget and wedge themselves into a corner! It's their house rules and they keep things the same for the tourney. I am sure there are more, but this is the only tourney where I have seen this rule.
  7. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Schultzy wins second at JJ!

    Congrats Big fella!!

    Now take those many K's and attack the house! ;)

    Creeping Panther
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    WOO HOO!!!!!! Way to go Schultzy! Great to hear that one of the Good Guys didn't finish last. :D
  9. doug olson

    doug olson New Member

    Way To Go Schultzy He Is Not Only One Of The Good Guy's He Is The Best Of The Good Guy"s # 1
  10. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    1st Round.....

    is on Schultzy at St. Ignace in June? Congrads on the win! :)

    Take Care,
  11. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Thanks for all of the kind words. I actually had to play in FIVE rounds just to qualify for the semi's. At the final table, I had the lead on the final hand and was swung into second place.

    By the way, I have confirmation that Jackpot Junction will change their pay-out for their next tourney in July. Only the final table will be paid, NOT to 42 players as in the past.
  12. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    On A Roll

    The man (and his fiancee) are on roll, folks. They're becoming a regular fixture at final tables in the Upper Midwest.

    Congratulations!! :D
  13. TwinCitiesRN

    TwinCitiesRN New Member

    Yes Schultzy is on a roll lets hope it keeps up.
  14. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Hmmm, Twin City RN.

    I bet you are one of Schultzy's crew,,,,right? ;)

    Great to see you posting here, welcome.

    I will have a Long Island Ice Tea, please :) (and thank you).

    Creeping Panther

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