Russ Hamilton Speaks

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Tomorrow nights guest will be UBT Founder Russ Hamilton

    He informed Kenny and I to let everyone know that he is available to answer any and all questions about the past, present, and the future of The Ultimate Blackjack Tour

    So if anyone and Russ said ANYONE has a question about how things are being done this is your time to speak with the BOSS.

    All question will be taken. Now is the time to get the answers that you seek.

    The show will air live on Thursday night at 6 PM Pacific Time on KLAV 1230 am

    Links to the show

    or at

    Phone numbers to the show

    1-866-820-5528 (Toll Free)

    702-731-1230 (Local)

    You cant ask for a better opportunity than this..............

    Maybe we can all move on after this , Because its ALL GOOD

  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    ANY and ALL Questions?

    So I can ask him about the rumor in Aruba about you, on the beach at midnight, skinny dipping with the coconuts, bannana oil and the bartenders?
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Rumors Rumors and More Rumors

    Oh yes what wonderful memories of Aruba........The RUMORS will just never be confirmed.But the 50,000 Free-roll is not a rumor and it will be played on the beach without the coconuts ,banana oil and bartenders.If you come to St Kitts I hope you don't get to hear the dreaded phrase that no one ever wants to hear and that is

    "Sorry You Have Been ELIMINATED"

  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    How about these?

    Some questions that you can ask Russ:

    1. What is the relationship between UB, & UBT

    2. Where are future UBT events to be hosted?

    3. Will members of Team UBT be playing EBJ in events like they do on the poker side of UB? (For example on UB poker they have a “Play against the pro night” where if you knock out Phil Helmuth you get your buy-in back)

    4. Any possibility of a “ranking system” to be developed on based on internet play? (For example you get points for winning in tourney’s and a weekly winner gets a small award – similar to what Global had/has)

    5. Has UBT been picked up for a 3rd season? If yes are there any plans to change the format?

    6. Has UBT had any discussions with other networks about its show?

    7. Will UBT have any future stops in conjunction with poker tournaments or will UBT become a strictly stand alone affair?

    8. Any truth to the rumor that there will be a Team UBT versus internet qualifiers filmed in LA?

    Inquiry minds want to know! Here’s to a great show, clearing the air and onward in the spirit of unity!
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Why don't you ring the show and ask these questions? It'd be good to put a voice to the avatar.

    Can we use weapons? If so I'll bring my rice flails :flame:


  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Have to admit it was a good show - questions were asked and answered!

    Freeroll is going to happen for those invited few - hey it's UBT's 50,000.00 and they can do what they want.

    Does it upset me? Only because I can't go :sad:
  7. Venture

    Venture Member


    Let's start the ranking system controversy again. LOL

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