Sad change at UltimateBet/Bet21

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by zweeky, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    According to the schedule, there will only be 3 guaranteed tournaments per night starting next monday :sad:
  2. dreamer

    dreamer New Member


    Are you REALLY surprised???

    Classic example of taking something that ain't broken, and trying to fix it.

    I'm anxious to see the "spin' on this one!

    I'm gonna have to win the "Big One" in Barona in late November/early December, because it may be the beginning of the end of what could have been one of the best things to hit the Tournament Blackjack world!

    There is life after UBT and continue to keep watch and take note of the Tournament Blackjack Players Association (TBJPA), because I think Rick Jensen has some great things planned in the future...

    Make it a "Great Weekend"!

    Skip Samad
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    One surprise is that all of those guaranteed events lasted as long as they did after UIGEA snuck through. The other surprise is that they're doing this now, when many of the bigger-ticket events are actually showing entry counts above the minimum needed to prevent the "house" from adding to the pots.
  4. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Just as I was...

    getting ready to make a comeback after quitting Bet21 in mid-April.

    I just wish the three tournaments left would be scheduled before my bedtime (10 p.m EST). After that I have a tendency to fall asleep on my laptop. :laugh:

  5. Archie

    Archie New Member

    I like it...

    Just went on the site and my first impression is that I like it : they put the $750 guaranteed at 8pm EST with a reduced buy-in ($15+1.50) and are introducing a $1500 guaranteed at 10 p.m (buy-in $30+3 only). These two tournaments personally fit my schedule. Anything past 11 p.m EST I would bet to tired to play anyway (there is a $2000 guaranteed with a $100+8 buy-in at 12:15 a.m that I'd love to play, but it's way past my bedtime)

    I predict that the $10 satellite for the 5k Sunday Tournament will be a success this time. They also introduced promo tournaments like the Luckyhand TBJ ($5+.50) that might prove to be a great attraction to many players who don't wish to play the higher stakes tournaments.

    All in all, it's far from being a sad time at Bet21 and, at contrario to Zweeky, I would say it's rather a sign that they're not going away soon. IMO, they're just trying something new to increase traffic and I personally think that this time they hit the right button : the reduced buy-in should increase traffic in the popular 8p.m tournament by convincing the regulars of the old $250 guaranteed to jump in and maybe a few of the regular players of the old $100 guaranteed.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2007
  6. marichal

    marichal Member

    with all these changes, then our promised bonus monies are coming, ..................?
    (with interest, i would guess, lol)

    just another, online unkept promise by our good buddies at bet21
  7. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    Well Archie, I'm glad you're ready for a comeback. You're saying that they reduced the fee of the 30/750 into a 15/750 tournament, but then you could say instead that they merged the 20/1000 and the 10/500 tournament into a 15/750 tournament... or that they merged the three 5/250 tournaments (8PM, 11PM and 1AM) into a 15/750 tournament...

    Yes, the new tournaments are still great and I will still enjoy playing them. But for me, the main picture is reduced daily action:

    10 daily tournaments with entry fees from $1 to $100 with $7600 in guaranteed money are replaced by 3 daily tournaments with entry fees from $15 to $100 with $4250 in guaranteed money.

    If the goal is to prevent the site from losing money, then I think it would have been enough to reduce, as they did, the 100/2500 tournament into a 100/2000. As LeftNut pointed out, the other tournaments now regularly fill up above the guaranteed money otherwise they rarely are more than five entries under the guaranteed money (except the $1/$100).

    On the positive side, I think a weekly $5000 is a good move to replace the defunct monthly $25000.


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