Sad Day

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by Billy C, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    It's a very sad day for us cheeseheads. Brett Favre retired. He's a real class act that gave us much enjoyment.

    Billy C
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Class act indeed. What a career! As much as Brett loves the game, I know it will be tough for him to be on the sidelines. Coincidentally, he lives about 5 miles from us here in Hattiesburg.
  3. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Sad Day In Cheesehead Land

    Yup. He was the greatest pro athlete ever in Wisconsin. He elevated himself larger than the game itself the Monday night after his dad passed away. He played his heart out for his dad and put up the best numbers in one game in his career. His unselfish play and leadership this past year, leading his young teammates to the heights they achieved, was more proof of his greatness.

    Oh, well. They'll still be pretty good.
  4. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    I'll Miss Him...

    What an athlete, and what an even better person! Here's how you spell real class B R E T T F A V R E!!

  5. I am saddened at the news but my girlfriend is probably 100 times sadder. She grew up across the street from the stadium Brett played his college ball in and has always been a huge USM fan. The Pack has been her favorite team since Brett put on the Green and Gold. This past year, she was adamant that Brett was going to be her QB for her fantasy football team even though most of the rating "experts" didn't have him listed in the top 12 QBs. Well, she got him in the 8th round and he took her to our league championship. Maybe she should share part of that $800 first place prize with him.:laugh:

    What I admired even more than his tremendous skill was the fact that he never lost his joy for the game. For way too many skilled athletes, that loss of joy for the game turned football into a hated job for many players.
  6. FMike756

    FMike756 New Member

    A CLASS ACT. Maybe the toughest qb to ever play the game. Think 275 consecutive starts as qb, a record that may never be broken.
  7. webbwl

    webbwl New Member

    Watched Brett through High school

    I have been following him through High school ( Hancock North Central) and USM when they were Alabama State Champions one year. I really hate to see such a fine man/player retire but I know our bodies aint what the used to be LOL. I saw hin at Casino Magic a few times also. Even sit with him amd Larry Holmes one time at BJ table.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Class act

    The NFL will miss one (if not the best class act) it had with his retirement. I was really hoping to see him make it to the Superbowl and win it this year, than retire on top.

    I'd like to thank him for all the thrills and entertainment he has given to all football fans over his great career.

    Brett we will miss seeing you play and seeing the excitement on your face after a touchdown pass and you jumping up and down like a high school kid. You played the game because you loved it and it showed and was the main reason I enjoyed watching you play so much.
  9. BABJ

    BABJ Member

    Here's a good Brett Favre trivia question...........

    What future Hall-Of-Famer did Brett Favre make his first NFL completion to?
  10. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Good question......Here is video of his first completion!

    This was September, 1992. The third game of the regular season
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2008

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