Sad news

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I learn tonight that we lost one of the nice gentlemen to play tournament blackjack.

    Mr. Ace Ethridge past away on December 24th. Ace was one of the first players I met when I started playing tournaments back in the 80's.

    Ace is also the only player I've ever heard of that won 3 straight major blackjack tournaments in a row.

    We'll miss you Ace, rest in peace my friend.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Ace was indeed a true gentleman, and I always enjoyed seeing him and competing against him. He'll be missed.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I got this email from Ace's wife Donna, who gave me permission to repost it here. It should ring true for all who knew Ace, and share a bit of his spirit with those of you who never had the good fortune to meet him.

    Ace Ethridge passed away 12/24/2007. He wasn't able to play in Blackjack tournaments anymore due to his vision problems...however, he was a regular at the local casino's poker rooms. He played at a private game just two days before a massive heart attack that took his life. The Newcastle Casino had a moment of silence for Ace last Saturday...he was respected by many players and treated with great courtesy. He always got the "5" seat...across from the dealer so he could see the "flop". He never had the luxury of watching his opponents' faces for clues to their hands. Nevertheless he didn't quit trying.
  4. gemurtha

    gemurtha New Member

    Ace was a friend to many. He was an accomplished tournament player and as Rick said above, had an unbelievable streak at one time. His skills were more impressive because of his failing eyesight and a strong determination to play without assistance from readers during that time. Ace and Donna, John and Darlene Merritt, and Jeff and Ann Walton were quite a team who won frequently and shared their friendship with many of us also rans. Ace will be remembered and missed.

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