Sample Letter to Congressman

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Monkeysystem, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Here's the letter I'm sending to my congressman, senators, the White House, and Sen. Bill Frist of Tennessee. Everyone on this site can send a letter like this to their congressman, senators, and the White House. Their addresses can be found at

    October 3, 2006

    FROM: Firstname Lastname
    Mailing Address
    Anytown, US 12345

    TO: Congressman Paul Ryan
    1st District, Wisconsin

    SUBJECT: Internet Gambling Enforcement Bill

    Dear Congressman,

    I’m opposed to the Internet Gambling Enforcement Bill and the underhanded way this unpopular legislation was attached to needed Port Security legislation.

    Internet gambling happens to be my hobby. I make money at it, and I find it fun. I do it in the privacy of my own home, using my legally earned money. It harms no one. My teenager has no access to it because I have parental software on my computer that I purchased myself. I don’t need you to help me raise my child.

    I have a demand for Republican and Democrat politicians alike. STAY OUT! of my computer, my gun cabinet, my finances, and my life. Your job is to protect our national territory, and to assist me to protect my constitutional rights. It is not your job to tell me how to live, or to raise my child for me.


    Firstname Lastname
    Outraged Citizen
  2. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    A small suggestion

    It might be better to drop the gun cabinet part. -

    "Stay out of my computer, my finances, and my life" sounds great and relates entirely to the issue at hand. To add anything else just gives an excuse to the recipient of the letter to disregard the whole thing, if they happen to have strong views on the unrelated point.

    Good luck with the campaigning.
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You Brits just don't git it do ya?

    Guns is our American rite! Ya hear?
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Excellent letter. I was just wondering what would have the greatest impact - e-mail or snail mail or no difference?
  5. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    It's Always Been Snail Mail

    But floods of email get their attention too.

    My congressman has always returned my emails.
  6. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Well no, but that is a separate issue, probably best not gone into. :)

    I was really just wondering whether the congressmen, senators, etc. on the receiving end of such letters would be more motivated to listen if the issue of gun control were not thrown into the mix.

    Fight one battle at a time (and try not to shoot anybody:D) is what I was suggesting.
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I admire your effort, but when it comes down to it the support for this bill even if put on its own would be overwhelming in favor of making internet gambling illegal. Alone 'us' in the BJT would be outnumbered by droves and that is just counting the parents who have had to pay visa bills that were run up by college kids playing poker online. Online poker playing by college kids alone is an epidemic. The bill is to the president and only a line item veto can prevent it now. The last hope is to head to the White House for a protest. While you are there ask G Dubya to get a guest worker program going, these minute men are killing my crew numbers.

    As for me I will keep pounding away as Im on a hot streak. My account at web site X is in a parabolic blowoff move upward. Maybe I will lose all my $$ to the out of country firm, but at least I know I went out a winner! Im cranking up my favorite heavy metal band Judas Priest, the song

    "Breaking the Law"

  8. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    So what's next, banning the mall because of the Visa bills parents get because Daddy's little girl has an 'addiction' to Banana Republic?
  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Its not a problem if it makes daddys little girl look hot ;)

    Seriously, this bill is past the Congress. The time to protest is past. Unless you can get the next administration to reverse the law or G Dubya veto the line we are stuck with no offshore internet getting a free ride. I wouldnt count on Hilary reversing this law. Best case scenario is USA companies are allowed to run the web sites. Hell, let the Indians do it. With the bill on the way to White House we need a miracle. JMO.
  10. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    We can always hope this is a setup to wipe out the foreign competition so Harrah's, etc. can set up their own regulated and taxed sites. That's the way the government operates - it's all about the money.

    But it won't happen with the Grand Old Pedophiles in charge. :flame:

    To think I've been voting for these dickweeds for 25 years.:mad:

    Still it never hurts to write your congressman.

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