Sam's Town Tunica Nov 7th & 8th

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by deltaduke, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Sam's Town is taking preregistration for this tournament now. Since Boyd uses the preregistration figures to determine whether to have or cancel the tournament, I encourage anyone who has any possible intention of attending to call up and register. It does not cost anything, and if you cannot make it you can always cancel with no cost. This is a very good tournament we are on the verge of losing permanently, so PLEASE call and register.
    PitchMan likes this.
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

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  3. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Thanks Deltaduke and Leftnut for the notes. It does look like we have a good chance to keep the Sam's Tunica "$24K" Blackjack Tournament going. It appears that all we have to do to make that happen is to get enough of us to call and sign up soon. Everyone remember, it is guaranteed to pay $12,000 in cash for first, and has paid as much as almost $18,000 when participation was good. And, with that good participation all seven spots are certainly worth the trip. If you want to keep it going, please do as Deltaduke asked,…. Sign up, and encourage anyone you know who likes a good Blackjack Tournament to call and sign up too..... Those of us who do will be very grateful, and we'll all have a great time!

    More great news! This should make things even easier to sign up. I spoke with my host, Tonya Heine. She asked me to tell anyone who wants to sign up and get their room reservation handled, to call her at 662-357-8428, or email her at and she’ll be glad to take care of it. She is off on Wednesdays and Thursdays but she has always been very good to return calls or emails. If you should call into another number and you are told they are not taking reservations, I have been told to remind the person that this is for Group Number BJNOV14.

    Thank you,
  4. george

    george Top Member

    I'm in , called the 800-456-0711 number they knew all about it , said quite a few have signed up , Terrie said she was going to sign up soon
    PitchMan likes this.
  5. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Thanks George. Your support is appreciated. As is Terrie's. Please call anyone you know who might want to play it. I've got a number of folks that I will be contacting this week to try to get them to sign up early. We need the signups to show Boyd there is committed interest. With that kind of interest we can count on John and Carol to make the case to Boyd that they need to hold the tournament.

    If anyone reading this would like to find a good ($12,000.00 guaranteed first place), tournament that, with player support, can be counted on to be held at least 3-4-5 - 6 times a year please sign up and come play with us on Nov 7th & 8th. See above for contact information to easily sign up.

    Note: At one time, a couple of years ago when support was good, they had the Blackjack tournament on the calendar for alternating months, and that was when they were doing the other six months with 3 card poker tournaments.... The 3 card tournaments have since been dropped which could mean that they would possibly (again with support), hold more than six Blackjack tournaments a year. Those in Tunica who are in charge of these tournaments want these Blackjack tournaments to continue. Let's help them make that happen!

    Thanks to all of those who support this good event!
  6. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    I regret to report that I was just sent an official looking Sams Town Tunica email from a friend that states the Nov 7-8 BJ tournament is cancelled. Although I have no reason to believe it isn't official, maybe out of just wishful thinking, I have a message in for my host to double check. I'll report back once verified.
  7. george

    george Top Member

    just called talked to Carol she said cancelled... sorry ,but will have the weekly one...maybe next year ,I hope
  8. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Thanks George. It was a good run at Sams. I hope it can come back some day - It was a good game. Adolph's Blackjack event at Resorts seems to have some life left in it. He said he plans to have another in early 2015. I think he said January. Gold strike has regularly scheduled tournaments planned after Jan 1, and I think she said more this year after this weekend's event. I talked with a Fitz employee last weekend and he knew nothing of any plans there. Blackjack tournaments in Tunica County are not what they used to be, but... Neither am I :(
  9. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    This is a classic case of casino's front of the house not knowing what the back of the house is doing. When John cancelled the August tournament, marketing thought he was cancelling all the tournaments. Thus they did no advertising (billboards, flyers, mail outs, or newspapers). John did not know this until he asked marketing why no one had received any mail outs or there were not the usual billboards advertising this event. When marketing found out the tournament was still planned, they stated it was too late now to do anything. Therefore, John cancelled the event. Right now he does not know if he will get any tournament dates next year.

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