Sam's Town Tunica update

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by kirbyk, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    Played last Tuesday - although the tournament is limited 108 player, we had only 18!
    $25 buyin with $20 rebuy. Registration 5PM, play begins at 7PM. 20 hands/round. Chip count with 3 hands to go. Two at each table of 6 advance to next round. I came in 3rd. Repeat the cycle up to 5 times. Then semifinals - believe one from each table advances to final. Normally one wildcard seat at the final table - drawing for that seat at 9:30. Since we had so few players - locals said it's the smallest group they've ever seen - they actually had drawings for 3 wild card seats. Despite 1 in 4 odds I still didn't get into final round.

    Payout - % of pool - 7 players at final table - 6 get paid. Lost my rules so this is all I remember

    1st - 50%
    6th - 1%

    Think 2nd was 20% and 3rd was 15% but wouldn't swear to that.

    One comment on the actual tournament - One player was in the lead on the final table from hand #1 and everyone bet very conservativley until the last hand and it was anyone's game with max bets. 3 went all in and the dealer got a BJ. I dont think this ever happened before because the tournament director had to confer with the three busted players about how to determine results for 5th and 6th place payouts. The drew cards and high card got 5th, next got 6th and lowest go no payout. Oh yes, BR1 bet $5 and won.
  2. UTVolfan

    UTVolfan New Member

    Sam's Town

    I'll be shocked if that tournament is still around a year from now. Even though the tournament itself is run fairly well, Sam's Town is mismanaged. They're very stingy with comps and food services are horrible.

    I got turned off that tourney about a year ago. They used to kick in extra money to the prize pool, but then stopped. They also moved the tournament from Sunday night to Tuesday night, in an apparent attempt to attract more people in. I guess it's not working. :laugh:
  3. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    When this tourney was started they kicked in an extra $500 plus gave a coupon for a free buffet and in the 3 card poker tourney it had a $1500 guarantee and a free buffet. Both have been going downhill in the last year but their poker tourneys have been getting from 60 to 165 players with 7 tourneys weekly with 3 weekly adding $500 and a monthly adding $5000 to the pot.
  4. Dynomike1

    Dynomike1 New Member

    I played tues. to. the best i can do is semi finals. I will talk to Teresa Tues. night see if shee can make it better now that we know some of the probablems.
  5. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Teresa has no power to change anything.Three years I suggested that they add one more round and then 2 could advance from all rounds as this would make for far better tourney from the player aspect , she submitted the idea but Charlie Washburn said no, he did not want to add another 30 minutes to the tourney. If you have any pull with him that is who to see, I just play poker, no table games (their BJ games suck and I don't play slots) so I am a "step-child" to the Sam's hiarchy.
  6. Dynomike1

    Dynomike1 New Member

    All we can do is try. I dont play there either seems like Fitz is about the best one they act like they want you to win.
  7. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    The dealers at The "Fitz" do want you to win as winners tip more and remember they keep their own tips so what you tip is all theirs and not shared. I think this is the best policy as I won't tip at other casinos since there are dealers I do not like and they would get the same share as the dealer who I tipped. I tell the dealers why I am not going to tip.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2006
  8. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    Played the Fitz Friday night. The place was almost empty! There were open seats at almost every BJ table. What's up with that? Stopped by Goldstrike on Saturday to see a friend and take a brisk beating from the CSM's. Oh, how I hate those things! Did manage to leave w/ an extra $20.

    Thanks for the update on the Sam's Town tournament. I was going to make time during the week to go over there, but it sounds like a waste. What about the Tuesday night Isle of Debris tourney?
  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    C S M

    CSM's are like playing at a BJ table with bad rules. The only way we have any chance of getting the casinos to get rid of those damn things is to refuse to play. However, there are so many uneducated players out there that the CSM's will be around for the foreseeable future.

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