Sams Tunica Blackjack tournament date changes...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by PitchMan, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    I just heard from the table games manager at Sams Tunica. They are in the process of cancelling the December tournament and moving it to November 8-9. Also the betting limits will be $100 to $3000 with $3K in starting chips. I asked if any other rules changes and he indicated there will be no more changes.

    I'm sure you've all noticed the scarcity of Blackjack tournaments on the schedule recently. It's my belief that recent low participation in tournaments has had a negative affect on upper casino management's willingness to put the events on. If I'm right, a good turnout for the November tournament could help them to see fit to schedule more tournaments in 2014. I know that the local management at Sams Tunica wants to have as many as participation makes feasible, and with Adolph now at Resorts it would seem a natural assumption that they will probably ramp up their already pretty aggressive Blackjack tournament program there. Our participation is essential if we want them to last. My thanks to all of you who show up and help keep these events alive!
    george and KenSmith like this.
  2. george

    george Top Member

  3. george

    george Top Member

    called today sams said dec 12 13 still on didn't know anything about nov 8 9 I signed up for dec 12 13 check it out ...please
  4. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Thanks George..... These conflicting dates are making me dizzy. It was "definite" when I was told, by the table games manager, that it was changing from Dec to Nov. I'll send another email right now to ask him again, and will report back here.
    george likes this.
  5. george

    george Top Member

    called back today..... i'm in ....for nov 8 dec 12 13...... the girl said sorry about that ....i hope they get it together for other people
    PitchMan likes this.

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