Sands in Atlantic City

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by fgk42, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey I was wondering if anyone here has played at the monthly BJT at the Sands.

    I got my invite for this upcoming July 29th and wondered if anyone here had played or was going to be there. Just thought it would be nice to put faces with names/id's

    The initial round is not an elimination rather it is a "who can accumulate the most chips" before moving on.

    I've never played in a tourney like this and could use any advice from the "senior members" and professionals. Thanks
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2006
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So no one here has played at the Sands monthly invite?
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Although I believe Woing deals with this type of tourney in Casino Tournament Strategy.


    Lord Reachy
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Yes Sir Reachy, [excuse me my Lord]

    Mr. Wong does, Chapter 3, pages 29-35

    I just thought it would be nice to hear from someone who has "been there, done that"

    Books can only tell so much and life is a great teacher.
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I don't think I'd like to play that type of tourney

    are they common?


    Baron Reachy
  6. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Accumulation Tournaments

    BAsically you have to be lucky enough to be at a table with a cold dealer. Many times all the qualifiers come from the same table. Not fair but that's the way it is.
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Well I flew up to AC for the Sands tourney.

    It was an accumulation BJ tourney. 6 people per table 10,000 per person. Four tables and starting at 4-8 every 30 min. Top six went to the finals which were the same - accumulation.

    You played a 6 deck shoe.

    I played at the 6:30 and was told top placed was 110,000 and 6th place was 56,000

    Needless to say I just put 5,000 out. Won. Went for double and lost. Third hand 5,000 and lost.

    No strategy, no tournament skills needed it was BORING. I talked to the person running it and asked why they used that format and was told that "our regulars love it"

    Well it certainly isn't MY cup of tea.

    Now I know why no one here has been to it before. I certainly DON'T recommend playing there. :(

    On a brighter note my 1-1 dealer skills more than made up for the trip. It's funny how dealers get surprised when you split 10's vs. their 6 when theres a high count. A few times I had to remind the dealer to wait for a signal from me before they turned the cards.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Yea, they love it....

    I wonder what their players would think about playing in a real elimination style BJ tournament? If given a chance and I don't mean that joke they tried up at Harrah's WSO21. That was the worst rules and format I ever saw, no wonder it never worked.

    AC is funny though, they are the only area where gaming control doesn't like anyone from outside the casinos to help with with tournaments, (of course they are also the state that closed down the casinos a few weeks ago).

    I guess they are just to smart for us, I still can't figure out how closing the casinos that were making the state millions per day was going to help get the state out of debt?
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You should have seen the looks on their faces when I mentioned UBT and elimination style BJ tourneys! :eek:

    Apparently there were signs for a 100,000 BJ tourney at the Hilton every Thursday. I didn't go and check it out maybe next time.

    It was funny that in the Sands "tourney" and I use that term loosly, they had over 190 "regulars" all were the platinum members at the Sands. Watching them play it was really interesting because .....well if you can't say something nice then.......

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