Seattle TBJPA Events

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by fgk42, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I understand from the calendar that there will be three (3) events from September 28-30 with satellites on Thrusday.

    My question is what TIME are these events scheduled? This will help me when planning on other events, such as sight seeing with the Mrs. and booking airfare.

    PS Any word on the TBJPA discounts for the Marriott?
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Here is a tenitive schedule

    Tenitive schedule for Seattle (Auburn) Iron Horse TBJPA/TBT events.

    Thursday 27th: 10:00 am satellites start and run until 7:00 pm

    Friday 28th: 10:00 am TBJPA $150 + $15 starts

    Saturday 29th: 10:00 am 1st TBT event $300 + $30 starts.

    Sunday 30th: 10:00 am 2nd TBT event $300 + $30 starts.

    No word on the Marroitt or the Days Inn yet.
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Any ideal about the "length" of these events? I know you can't say it'll last 6 hours or 8. But how long are the tourney tables reserved for?

    Also how many tables will be in use during the tourney?

    Any guess on the number of rounds or players?
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Just guessing...

    I'll guess about 5 rounds including re-buys. As far as players, who knows for sure. I was told NOT to put a cap on the events at 144 players by the manager, but that might be wishful thinking. I'll be thrilled with around 100 players for the first time event. I understand there are a lot of players in that area, but this is also a bigger entry (buy-in is their term) then they are use to. But on the other hand I am getting a lot of interest in these events from players around the country, so over 100 players is possible and I'll be very happy if we do go over.

    Please remember these are all just guesses.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2007
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I understand "guesstimates" I wasn't asking for SPECIFICS. Unless of course you plan on cancelling the event or changing the dates at the last minutes like OTHER tournaments do :mad:

    Will there by any SNG tables up and running so that players can keep themselves "entertained"

    For example could a single or maybe 2 tables be set up for 6-7 player SNG with a $20+5 buy-in?
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    As of now only the satellites on Thursday

    We have the satellite tables on Thursday for sure. Now on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we may be able to talk them in to some Sit & Go events.

    I'll talk to the managers next week about the possibilties of Sit & Go events in Seattle. It will depend on the number of tables and dealers they have avalible.
  7. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    I just found out about the Seattle events. Is the field already capped, or is it possible to get in on the action? I would have to drive across the state, but with a major event so close by I would be an idiot not to try...

    Also, as I am not familiar with TBJPA and don't want to re-hash something that may have been covered in the past, is there a FAQ you could point me to regarding tournament rules, seems you may have some type of unique setup I may want to investigate.

    I'm also happy to have an offline or PM conversation with someone about this tourney.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Just sent you a PM

    Jeff, I sent you my number by PM and I'll be more than glad to answer any and all of you're questions regarding the TBJPA and TBT events.

    Below covers some of the main format and rules the TBJPA has to offer.

    First off the TBJPA - Tournament Blackjack Players Association was started in hopes of getting a standard format established for blackjack tables around the country.

    The TBT - Tournament Blackjack Tour, is the tour event established by the TBJPA.

    Don't get me wrong I have no problems with having other format options such as, EBJ, accumulation, and hybrid, but as for true traditional elimination events I think the formats should be the same across the country.

    Lets take Texas Hold'em as an example: How popular to you think it would be if from casino to casino the rules were different? You can go anywhere in the world and the rules and format are always the same (may a few changes, but nothing major).

    The TBJPA is trying to establish a very favorable players format in which we try to take out as much of the luck factor as possible, (you'll never be able to take all luck out of any card tournaments).

    To do so there is a one time $40 event fee for the week that is charge at each location to help fund our cause and 10% casino fee (up to $30) that is charged for each event up front to cover the casinos expenses and allow us to host our events at there locations.

    The TBJPA format and main rules are:

    1) No more then 6 players per table ever.
    2) 2 players minimum will advance from each table until the finals.
    3) Surrender offered after first two cards only.
    4) Dealer stands on all 17's.
    5) Blackjacks pay 3/2.
    6) DD after any two cards allowed.
    7) Up to 3 splits allowed.
    8) DD after splits allowed.
    9) Deal rotates after each hand.
    10) 24 hands played in each session.
    11) Guaranteed re-buy and in the TBT events two re-buys are guaranteed.
    12) Count before hand 20.
    13) Table card will be posted for all players on the table to see after the count.
    14) Chips must be stacked in 10's and no more than 2 full stacks and 9 looses chips will be allowed.
    15) All chips must be in plan sight and not hidden.
    16) Every tournament is open to all players, (some exception may apply), depends on why the player was banned.
  9. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member


    I completely see the logic in your approach. Heck, even if you read Ken's new book, one of the first thing he says to do is get a copy of the rules for every tournament you play in and make sure you clearly understand them.

    My only concern is that as a new tournament player, a $300/150 buy in/re-buy is probably going to be way to rich for my blood. Sure, there are better payoffs and the higher you advance the more the fees are - AND there's never a sure thing. I know all that stuff. But my ability to play live tournaments is extremely limited.

    I have already emailed Ken, who helped me set up a week-long schedule in Vegas, playing at least one tournament daily. I am doing the same for the Seattle area. Other than that, I try to participate in the nightly AOL online tourney, but their start time of 6:00 PM is a real bitch considering I have two small kids and I'm the one who fixes dinner in our home.

    I'm assuming that Ken endorses TBJPA and TBT, since he hosts a forum for you on his site and it looks like he has co-hosted at least one event. So if it works for him, it works for me.

    I'm just trying to find out where the neophyte tourney player breaks in if the fee is $300. Is there any other way in the door? Smaller satellite tournaments or something? If your goal is to advance BJ tournaments to the same as hold 'em, you have to look at the associated costs. Just my opinion. But I have bookmarked your site, and I will be paying close attention, I hope and believe you will have a real positive impact.
  10. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Jeff Dubya,

    Rick can respond with the exact details (entry fee) but yes satellite tournaments are available Thursday prior to the main events with 1st in each satellite winning free entry to the corresponding TBT or TBJPA event and 2nd receiving their satellite entry returned. Hope you attend even if just for the satellite's, to watch or simply ask questions of players.
  11. leilahay

    leilahay Member


    I assume if you speak of driving just across the state that you live in Washington or nearby. There are daily mini tournaments with $25 buy ins and 1000-1300 first place in the Seattle area. Rules are somewhat different than Rick's but these are a good way to get your feet wet before playing the satellite tourny's on Thurs. I think the schedules on this site are fairly up to date but it never hurts to call a casino first. Hope to see you end of the month.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2007
  12. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    Yeah I am about 4 hours away from Seattle... right on the Idaho border in Pullman.
  13. marichal

    marichal Member

    jeff dubya;

    would recommend playing in tourneys in everett wa, to start out with. the skill level is higher, but the tourneys are clean. there has been various incidents of cheating, collusion, etc. south of seattle. i have stopped playing in auburn for this reason. would be sad that you would have to experience this on your first tourney. pm me it you want more details.
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    New Rules!!!

    The TBJPA events will be using and enforcing the Rules I posted above for the September 27th - 30th events in Auburn.
  15. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    Outside of the TBJPA / TBT events, I found a listing of daily/weekly Pacific NW Tournaments. Again, these are NOT RELATED to Rick's event, but for those interested in maximizing their tournament time, I thought this might be helpful.


    Skyway Park (South Seattle)
    1:00 PM, 7:00 PM, Midnight
    $1,000 Free-Rolls
    $575 for 1st Place
    Limited to 70 Players
    Free entry, $10 add-on
    $20 re-buy

    Royal (Everett)
    7:00 PM
    $2,600 Guarantee
    $1,300 for first
    $25 buy-in, $25 re-buy

    Club Hollywood (Shoreline)
    7:30 PM
    $1,000 guarantee
    Free Entry
    Three $10 re-buys

    Kenmore Lanes (Kenmore)
    9:00 PM
    $1,000 Added
    Free Entry, $25 re-buy


    Skyway Park (South Seattle)
    1:00 PM, 7:00 PM, Midnight
    $1,000 Free-Rolls
    $575 for 1st Place
    Limited to 70 Players
    Free entry, $10 add-on
    $20 re-buy

    Royal (Everett)
    7:00 PM
    $2,600 Guarantee
    $1,300 for first
    $25 buy-in, $25 re-buy

    Great American (Kent)
    7:00 PM
    $25 buy-in, $25 re-buy

    Club Hollywood (Shoreline)
    7:30 PM
    $1,000 guarantee
    Free Entry
    Three $10 re-buys


    Skyway Park (South Seattle)
    1:00 PM, 7:00 PM, Midnight
    $1,000 Free-Rolls
    $575 for 1st Place
    Limited to 70 Players
    Free entry, $10 add-on
    $20 re-buy

    Club Hollywood (Shoreline)
    7:30 PM
    $1,000 guarantee
    Free Entry
    Three $10 re-buys


    Skyway Park (South Seattle)
    1:00 PM, 7:00 PM, Midnight
    $1,000 Free-Rolls
    $575 for 1st Place
    Limited to 70 Players
    Free entry, $10 add-on
    $20 re-buy

    Great American (Kent)
    7:00 PM
    $25 buy-in, $25 re-buy

    Club Hollywood (Shoreline)
    7:30 PM
    $1,000 guarantee
    Free Entry
    Three $10 re-buys


    Skyway Park (South Seattle)
    1:00 PM, 7:00 PM, Midnight
    $1,000 Free-Rolls
    $575 for 1st Place
    Limited to 70 Players
    Free entry, $10 add-on
    $20 re-buy

    Club Hollywood (Shoreline)
    7:30 PM
    $1,000 guarantee
    Free Entry
    Three $10 re-buys


    Skyway Park (South Seattle)
    1:00 PM, 7:00 PM
    $1,000 Free-Rolls
    $575 for 1st Place
    Limited to 70 Players
    Free entry, $10 add-on
    $20 re-buy

    Royal (Everett)
    7:00 PM
    $2,600 Guarantee
    $1,300 for first
    $25 buy-in, $25 re-buy

    P.J. Pockets (Federal Way)
    7:00 PM
    $1,000 Added
    $25 buy-in
    $2,000 guarantee
    $1,000 for first


    Skyway Park (South Seattle)
    1:00 PM, 7:00 PM
    $1,000 Free-Rolls
    $575 for 1st Place
    Limited to 70 Players
    Free entry, $10 add-on
    $20 re-buy

    Royal (Everett)
    7:00 PM
    $2,600 Guarantee
    $1,300 for first
    $25 buy-in, $25 re-buy

    Casino information listings can be found here:

    Rick, I hope you don't feel like I hijacked this thread by posting this information. If you do tell me and I can post it elsewhere.
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not at all

    That is what this site is for, to inform the players.
  17. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Collusion, cheating in Auburn?

    I have no fear of collusion or cheating at the Auburn, WA TBJPA events by locals or others.

    The TBJPA official rules almost eliminate a possibillity of cheating and any cheating or manipulation of the rules should be and will be caught and addressed immediately.

    Bring on those that think they have an unfair advantage, their money will be appreciated.
  18. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    Seattle tournaments

    Did not see Iron Horse in Auburn Sun-Wed 7 pm $25 buy in, 1100 first, or in Everett, Thurs & Fri at 7, Sat & Sun at 2. Skyway free rolls ended Aug 31, they were a mad house anyway. Great American, Iron Horse, & Royal can keep one busy 7 days a week. Sometimes even throw in a Pai Gow tournament or two.

    Have no doubt that Rick's rules will bring a nice change of pace to the area.
  19. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    These dates all came from WESTERN GAMBLING JOURNAL and I have no doubt the list is incomplete, especially given the size of the area. I take no responsibility for accuracy, it's just the information I came up with on short notice.

    Too bad all of these folks didn't list on this site, it would be a moot point.
  20. mauiboy

    mauiboy New Member

    Seattle TBJPA

    I've heard that the Sat & Sun events may have a lower buy-in of $200 each. Is this true?

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