Seattle Tournament

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by ANDY 956, May 31, 2007.

  1. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Are there any further developments on the proposed Seattle blackjack tournament?

  2. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Travel by bus!

    My mate has been doing his research in preparation for the TBJPA Seattle announcement.

    When he said that he had sorted out the Seattle bus timetables I thought he had finally gone nuts.

    Then he sent me this.

  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Just talking....

    I was just asked about coming up to Washington last month by re-buy Bob and Thrasht, as of now we haven't got any casinos signed for any TBJPA events in the state of Washington, hopefully that will change (and in other locations as well).

    I just met re-buy Bob last month when he came to checkout our Laughlin events and like them so much he wanted the TBJPA to come host some events in Washington.

    I gladly accepted to come up there once we sign up a location and as far as the players, I think several would be interested in going up there to play as well (from the posts anyway), when and if we get a casino.
  4. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    When are you comming to Mississippi?
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    As soon as I get a casino

    I'm trying, I've been trying, but like most casinos they want to see a proven track record before trying something new.

    If we can duplicate the success of Laughlin a couple of more times in other locations I am sure the TBJPA will start have a few more doors open for us.

    I have four pretty good leads at this time, but remember the TBJPA has deal breakers with several casinos.

    Number one being that "ALL" players are allowed to play in these tournaments and most casinos don't want some of the players in their casino.

    What I am working on is to allow these players the right to play in the tournaments, however they maybe asked not to play the regular blackjack tables.

    I believe this is a fair trade off, at least this way the player(s) in question may at least play in the tournaments.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2007
  6. Neil Gagg

    Neil Gagg New Member

    Things seem to have gone a bit quiet on this. I would be very interested if there was any news. Would you come over from England?
  7. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Are you going to have any tourneys east of the Misssissippi river? You know there is gambling in places other than Nevada.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Still working on both

    I am trying to locked down the Seattle event, the gaming rules are very different up there then in other places, so it is taking some time, but it is looking good.

    As far as Mississippi, I would love to do some events there, if I could ever get hold of someone that was in charge to talk to them...LOL. No I have made a few contacts, just haven't heard back from them yet.

    What everybody needs to know, is dealing with casinos like several big companies, there is a lot of hurry up and wait...LOL.

    Getting the casinos involved isn't just calling them and having them say okay lets host one next month. Trust me I am wanting to get these events up and running as soon as possible myself and trying my best.

    Hopefully I will have some more information on future events soon. I just don't want to promise the players anything I can't deliver. All I can do is keep trying to find willing locations to host these events and use the TBJPA format and rules so everyone can enjoy (what I believe are) the best possible rules and format for the tournament players.
  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Neil Gagg!! Do me a favour…lol

    Well I am sure that you will be travelling over there Mr Neil Gagg.

    Very clever name, I must admit to being impressed. It did take a while to work out and the Rory Gallagher avatar must have been put up to throw me off the scent. Now that I have sussed you out you can change it over to your hero Roger Waters.

    London Colin. I know that you like puzzles and teasers. Have a good look at the name Neil Gagg and see if you can work out its significance to me.

    Well Neil (if I can call you that) let us hope that your money lasts longer in the Seattle casinos than it did in a British one last Saturday night when I was stood at the side of you.

    Welcome to the site.

    Andy :laugh:

    Ps Txtourplayer (Rick Jensen) is the promoter of the tournament who replied to you.
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Lot of "if's", but....

    Neil Gagg since your a friend of Andy's and "if" I can lock down the Seattle TBJPA events and "if" you come over from England with Andy to play I guess I'll have to get you a TBJPA cap as well...LOL

    Maybe you, Andy, London Colin, and Reachy can start the European branch of the TBJPA for me...LOL.

    Actually I have about 12 more players over in Germany, Poland, and Greece as well, who knows?
  11. Neil Gagg

    Neil Gagg New Member

    A real Euro-American event in the making.

    Andy try ' Duo Rib Steak Me'
  12. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Sorry Andy, I'll have to concede defeat on this one. My detective skills are clearly waning.
  13. Neil Gagg

    Neil Gagg New Member

    an anagram of Andy's location and footy might help.
  14. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Well I was thinking along those lines, but I can't find any of the letters of 'Bury' in there, and very few from 'Bolton Wanderers'.

    (Welcome aboard, by the way.)
  15. Neil Gagg

    Neil Gagg New Member

    Thanks for the welcome. Think more about the stadium
  16. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    Think more about a **** hole ground located in the North West of England and you should soon work it out London Colin.

  17. Neil Gagg

    Neil Gagg New Member

    I must excuse Andy. Too much Boddintons. He'll be complaining of bad guts tomorrow.
  18. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Well I was worrying that we were straying a bit too far off topic, and so sent my solution via PM. (Even I can eventually work these things out, given sufficiently obvious clues.:) )

    Any way, Andy has urged me to go public with the results of my detectoring -

    [*] Doh! 'Duo Rib Steak Me' = 'Reebok Stadium'
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2007
  19. marichal

    marichal Member

    come to seattle, colin, (the water is warm), sort of. it is falling out of the sky as i write. hope you can get out of old london town and make it across the pond. do you have a son that lives on mercer island?

    take care!!!

    just found out it is andy 956 who has, a brother, in the seattle area. the both of you need to visit.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2007
  20. Neil Gagg

    Neil Gagg New Member

    We are just waiting for confirmation of the dates so we can look at flights.

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