Secret bet in EBJ end game

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fless, Sep 24, 2006.

  1. fless

    fless New Member

    Maybe answered before, sorry then:
    If I kept my secret bet until the end, and I have position in the last hand:
    Is it generally better to play the SB in hand 29? Or should I keep it to hand 30 anyway, in order to dodge desperate doubles and sneaky surrenders?

    I realize it depends on the situation, but as a guideline to a newbie?
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    On whether you are ahead or behind, how many of your opponents have still got secret bets. If you are behind using your secret bet can minimise your opponents advantage and you may be able to manouver yourself into a better or even leading postion for the last hand. If you think you can get yourself into the lead and have postion on the final betting hand it may be better to use it on 29. Otherwise I'd probably wait.


  3. fless

    fless New Member

    Sweet; thanks a lot for the great tip!

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