Secret Bet

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Secret Bet

    The Use of the secret bet in elimination BJ poses some interesting dilemmas. Most of the time that I have seen it used it wasn’t really a secret at all. For example round 8 elimination hand. BRL (last) has 10 and most others have 20-40. BRL has to max bet so they use their “secret bet” when everyone “knows” what it is.

    To those members who have played UBT – live. I have this question – when do you actually do the secret bet? Looking at the intro on it looks like people go into a booth and write down their bet. Is that done during the round, before the round or anytime you want?

    Secondly does anyone have any advice about the “best time” to use the secret bet?

    Curious minds want to know.
  2. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Made for TV

    I think I can answer your questions, but others may want to weigh in on the best time to use the secret bet.

    For TV, you could use your secret bet option on any hand. There was a booth set up where you went with your card and wrote down the amount you wanted to bet which was placed in the circle when you were reseated. The amount of the bet was shown to the TV camera in the booth so the TV audience could see the amount.

    Typically secret bets were used on elimination hands. Another excellent time to use it is the hand prior to an elimination hand where you have to bet first and you have other players pretty well correlating to your bet. Using it here makes them guess whether you are taking a high or low and can give you some leverage on the elimination hand, particularly if the opponent doesn't have their secret bet remaining and has to disclose his bet and action prior to yours.

    If my memory is right, our fearless leader used his in this manner to get a critical swing during his match which we will see next weekend on TV.

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