Shift Manager

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Kenny and I have been on the air now for 9 months and have had guest from all areas of the Gaming World. We have had world class blackjack players world class poker players and even 2 WSOP Champions on the show. Even expert Video Poker players. What we have never had is the view from the other side of the tables and how we the Tournament players, card counters ,and advantage players are seen by the Casino and their management, the people hired to run the casinos and protect the games.

    Well that will change on Thursday March 23 2006 .We were contacted by a casino shift manager who has been tuning in and now would like to tell us how they see life from behind the tables. They are even willing to answer questions about things to do not to get barred from blackjack play and what red flags they look for while observing your play. How important issues like Griffin flyer's and how much they are used to prevent advantage players from playing. This promises to be an interesting show

    So don't forget Thursday night at 6 PM Pacific Time on KLAV 1230 on the am dial here in Las Vegas

    links to the show on the internet


    phone numbers for questions and comments

    Toll Free 1-866-820-5528

    Locally 702-731-1230

    Upcoming guest Phil Hellmuth WSOP Champion
    Johnny Chan WSOP Champion
    Freddy Deeb UBT Aruba Champion
    Russ Hamilton ( UBT Founder ) & WSOP Champion
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2006
  2. catch 27

    catch 27 New Member

    Are You Sure?

    I can't see a Shift Manager calling you Joep!:laugh: Is this one of your practical jokes?:joker: Do you really think a shift manager will give us honest answers about how casinos are run and how decisions are made.:confused:
    What dream world do you live in?:flame:
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Joep never said....

    Joep never said that the shift manager was currently working for the casinos, only a Vegas shift manager!:eek:

    That could mean he has one that use to be one. ;)

    I'm not saying that is the case, but that seems to be logical. :rolleyes:
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    All Business

    Actually Kenny and I have been asking this shift manager for months now to be a guest on our show. We happen to have mutual friends that we used to try and land this guest. So when they called to say they were going to finally do the show we were very happy .

    So we are not in a dream world this is for real and not a joke. I joke around on this board often but when it comes to the radio show and tournament questions I'm all business. A view from the other side of the tables is a view we don't get a chance to see or hear about often enough.

    Tune in Thursday night at 6PM Pacific Time on KLAV 1230 on the am dial

    or over the internet at

    If you miss the show Kenny Smith has been kind enough in the last few weeks to make it available to hear a rebroadcast as early as Fridays afternoon,right here on this site and we thank him for that.

    The show re airs on KLAV at 1am Pacific Time on Sunday

    Phone numbers to call in with questions or comments and we welcome both

    Toll Free 1-866-820-5528

    Local 1-702-731-1230
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2006
  5. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Kenny and Joe Show

    Hey Joe, is the Shift Manager from GVR? Maybe you should put one of those blurry things over his face to protect his identity. LOL
    Seriously, I enjoy the show and will be listening tonight. You should have a large contigecy of Stardust players there.
  6. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Waiting for the show

    Still waiting for the show to be posted on here Ken.
    Andy. :sad:
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry Andy. No luck this time. I'm up in Canada at the Canadian Masters. They do have hi-speed Internet in the rooms though, so I left my laptop running to record the show when it came on.

    However, the standby kicked in after so many minutes of inactivity, and my laptop slept right through the show. I don't have a recording to post this week.

    We definitely need to get Kenny E to hound his web guys to provide the archive on a timely basis. I'm much too unreliable!
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    All is not lost

    Andy sorry about that but do keep in mind the show will re-air on early Sunday morning here in Las Vegas at 1 AM Pacific Time. Which should work out to be at 10 AM in England . I promise to try and light a fire under the web masters ass on Kenny's site .
  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    Radio Show:

    Nothing could be further from the truth. In this realm of trying to make certainty out of improbability, the one constant is the work and effort of K.S.
  10. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Radio Show

    Because I missed last weeks show I don't know if the chaps were supposed to on last night.
    Ken has not posted the show on here so not sure what the situation is.
    Any Information.
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Show Info

    Andy the shift manager was on last week March 23. Last night was Ken and I talking about UBT and upcoming tournaments and ones that were just completed also took phone calls from Tex and Rookie You should listen in to the Tex call when you get a chance it was pretty funny. Rookie called in with a good question on a bet that he made during the final hands of his Starbust tournament round. Kenny and I have plans on bringing back the shift manager for a encore as we had all sorts of positive feedback on that show. We have now worked out the voice distortion situation that we used to protect their identity
  12. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    Does anyone have last nights show archived?

  13. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Thursday Show

    Come on Ken help us out and put it on here.
    Andy :sad:

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