Should I tip and if so, how much?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by darklord, Oct 27, 2005.

  1. darklord

    darklord New Member

    I know for a BJ counter, even expert one who has about 1 to 1.5% advantage over the casino in a long run; tipping should be avoided as much as possible, because it hurts the profit. But for a BJ tournament player, how much tip is appropriate to avoid hurting profit in a long run?

    Last night, after 4 rounds, I won first place with $1000 and saw everybody on the final table gave away 10%; is it too much? I was thinking that if I didn't give the same percentage, the next time I come, the dealers would give me heat, which would then affect my playing? As a result, I gave $100, but I was deeply hurt :). What your advice on this? The last time I won the first place here, I tipped $40.00, which I am sure the dealers (2 of them) aren't too thrilled to see me again.

    Here is a strangest thing happened last night: all players must draw card to determine where they sit and the strange thing was that, all four times I drew to seat number 3. Also, during my semi round, I received three 3 calls to my cell phone with the following numbers: 1 206 365 3216, 1 206 365 3217, 1 206 365 3218. Notice only the last digit is different. I didn't pick up the phone, but after having won first place and checked my cell phone had I found this out. When I call back all three numbers, there was no answer nor it is a invalid number....
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2005
  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    Cell numbers

    Well, it is within the seven day aureole of Halloween
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    No More Than 3 %

    The normal tip in a majot tournament is usually around 2% -3% of the top prize .In a local tournament where you are a regular in sometimes you may want to tip a little more.Dont forget to tip the staff that works the table assignments and time draws.They are the ones than can help you the most to avoid conflicts if you are playing in more than one tournament at a time .
  4. richgarcia

    richgarcia New Member

    I called


    I called you 3 (three) times to tell you that the other 5-6 players would all toke
    10%. One Benjie/black chip from you would not excessive for this amount of prize money.
  5. darklord

    darklord New Member

    Consider that I must pay 25 to enter and another 25 to rebuy and tip 10% everytime I make it to the final; I just want to know if I have the edge in the long run. I need some emperical data.

    "One Benjie/black chip from you would not excessive for this amount of prize money."

    One million dollars is not excessive compared to 10 million. Does that mean I should tip 1 million?

    "I called you 3 (three) times to tell you that the other 5-6 players would all toke 10%"

    If you can't logically answer my question then at least be respectful...
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2005
  6. richgarcia

    richgarcia New Member

    You misunderstand

    For mini-tournament prize money, a toke of 10% is not excessive. The other 5-6 players at your table,Champ,didn't think so. Nor do I. Especially at tourneys you regularly frequent. Still, tipping is voluntary. Do what you want.

    As the prize money increases, the percentage tipped decreases. It doesn't remain constant. For the big tourney prizes, a tip of 1%-3% would be sufficent.

    You should keep a journal/accounting of full expenses and tourney prize money. Over time, you will see that a toke of 10% in these minis doesn't change a thing. The number of players who uniquely make a living off tournament play probably can be counted on two hands.

    Most tourneys are played with non-negotiable chips. When you play at the real tables with live money, your edge based on house rules,penetration, variance,advantage play,etc.,etc, is razor thin. Hence, toking could eat most or all of your profit. That said, there are still times when it pays to toke at the tables, but I digress.

    I wish you many first place tourneys. That's the only way to play. When you get to the final table, expect a call or three from me. :laugh:

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