Sign-up for the $10,000 one on one matches

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by TXtourplayer, May 31, 2007.


For the $10,000 entry, what should the prizes be.

Poll closed Aug 29, 2007.
  1. 1st = $70,000, 2nd = $40,000, Tie for 3rd = $20,000/$20,000

  2. 1st = $80,000, 2nd = $40,000, Tie for 3rd = $15,000/$15,000

  3. 1st = $75,000, 2nd = $35,000, Tie for 3rd = $20,000/$20,000

  4. 1st = $85,000, 2nd = $35,000, Tie for 3rd = $15,000/$15,000

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Well I have 4 players who have contacted me and are willing to put up their deposit, that is 25% of the field. Funny thing is all four players are none of the bigger name players I would have figured to sign up to play this event.

    Know we only need 12 more players and two months to get them.

    Just send me an e-mail at if your interested in playing in this event.

    I will put a poll up to see which payouts you would rather play for.
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    You can sign me up on that short list of players, too. If you build it, I will come.

    I voted for option one, although what i think would be much fairer is $75k/$40k/$20k/$20k... the extra $5k for first place should come from the $10k vig we're giving the house under this proposed plan, something i still see as entirely too high! its not a matter of it only being 6-7% of the total buy-in, the fact is for only 16 people playing on at most 4 tables, $10,000 is just completely out of line with what the actual expenses for the casino/Rick/etc should be... if it were a larger event, that would make sense, but the percentage ceases to matter with an event this small.

    Just my 2 cents.

  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Stop and compare

    First off the amount was offered to try to get this event started, but when you compare the prize amount vs. what the actual vig. is it is lower than other such events.

    Then add in the comped rooms and the number of tables to be dealt compared to other such events and the deal just gets better.

    And let's not forget that no 3% for tips are taken out in this event as well. The players will be allowed to tip the dealers on their own.

    So really I don't see an issue here over that.

    So adding Hollywood to the list, that will give us 5 players signed up and still needing 11 more.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2007
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Six and counting...

    Wow, I had another player ask me to sign them up for the $10,000 event and other then Hollywood, none of the other players are the bigger names you would expect to be playing an event this size.
  5. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Well, if we're gonna call a spade a spade, lets do that -- the smallest UBT event had just under 40 people, but that was only a $500 event. Going up to the $2500 level, the smallest event still had 60-70. This Heads-Up match only has 16.

    The big difference here is twofold: one, there is virtually no overhead, promotion, marketing, or staff involved. Even the smaller UBT events had a whole army of dealers, floormen, tables, space, PR, and coordination to deal with. This event, with 16 people, free internet BBS marketing, and its skeleton crew of 2-4 dealers, a floorman, and Rick makes it a COMPLETELY different ballgame. There's really no comparison.

    Two, the HIGHER the buy-in, the LOWER the % vig. So if making the jump from $500 to $2500 drops a few percentage points off the vig, imagine how much more of a drop we should see jumping all the way up to $10k. We should only be in the 3-4% range for that kind of buy-in at most, AND that's still not taking into account (once again) the fact that this is only 16 people, with very low overhead/costs.

    No one's trying to say that fees aren't a necessary evil or that Rick & the host casino shouldn't profit off this event -- but that profit needs to more accurately reflect the size and scope of what's actually happening. "Free" rooms aren't really a draw because we're talking Laughlin here -- if we're already ponying up $10k, the $20 room isn't going to be an issue. And when I tell them I want their penthouse suite (which is probably still only the size of a really big master bathroom lol), you think that'll be part of the deal? ;)

    Including the 3% tip in the vig doesn't help either, since this event is really only paying 2 people...the winners should tip 1-3%, further adding to the argument that everyone should see the vig cut in half.

    I want this event to get off the ground but to do so it must not exploit the few players willing to put up the big bucks to make it happen --

  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Good points HD, and I think the 3% dealer tip is currently NOT included in the vig. It should be. With this kind of overhead, the players shouldn't have to worry about tipping the dealers on top of everything else.

    I would be a lot more interested if the dealers get $2000 out of the prize pool and the house keeps $3000.
  7. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Exactly my point. Cut the house vig in half, take $5000 out of the total prize pool instead of $10k, lets agree on a format, and then PLAY BALL!

  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I disagree

    With this format even with only 16 players there will be more tables and matches dealt (possible 97 matches and tables). Remember there will only be two players per table and each table will host a best 3 out of 5 matches.

    This will take a lot of time and tables from the casino.

    Bottomline is I was actually offered my entry into the event for setting it up, but I thought it would be better for me to just run it if I set it up.

    Now if you like I could go on in play in the event and just play for $145,000 in prize money. That would cover my entry and the $5,000 fee (including tips) or we can keep it at the 16 players at $10,000 entry and offer the $150,000 prize pool.

    I am willing to work with the players, but after I workout a format, rules, location, dates, it isn't the time to try and re-negotate the fee. This was something that I was ask to do and at a fee that was offered to me to make it happen.

    But once again I am willing to be fair. When and if we get the 16 players I'll be fair about the fee, but cutting it in half and taking tips out of it as well isn't an option. I sent you (Hollywood) a PM yesterday saying that I would see about cutting the free rooms and adding the tips as part of the fee, I also discussed the same with Ken in Tulsa.

    Now lets see who wants to play and who just wants to bitch...LOL
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2007
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So how many players have actually committed to this thing?

    How long will you keep it open? Is there a deadline?

    I like your format and the rules have already been set so what's left?
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    It will stay open until August 1st, 2007

    I am willing to leave this event open until August 1st, 2007 or until we get 16 confirmed players.

    I'm surprized some of the bigger name players haven't jumped on board to be part of this event.

    As of now only Ken and Hollywood are the only players who have posted about playing in this event that has been on TV for blackjack before. Joep did mention about possibly playing it while up in Tulsa.

    I thought all the "Pros" would love to play in this event that cuts out more of the luck factor. This is "REAL BLACKJACK BABY" (sorry Scotty...LOL) no comp's, no free rides to a final table, No selected players, this is who has the GUTS to put up $10,000 and play a series of matches, against others willing to do the same. I have the guts, just not the money...LOL
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2007
  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    With an event like this I can only imagine that the best of the best, like World Champion Blackjack Kenny E is going to be there right? I he played in the LVH MDT and their take is 24%. Remember this write up from

    Imagine how much more a feather in Ken Einiger’s cap this event would be – playing multi heads up matches.

    How about the other pro’s? Have you gotten commitments from Anthony Curtis, Robert Blechman, Blair Rodman and the WSOB and Final Table pro Joe Pane? I mean isn’t this match up the type that really demonstrates the skill of a pro BJ player? No ploppies just the best of the best playing.

    I’m surprised that defending Champion Dave Matthews hasn’t called. Monica Reeves would be happy to play I’m sure.

    Heck Rick you should do a promo flyer/e-mail and send it to UBT headquarters and ask Team UBT, the best BJ players around, if they would be interested in playing. I thought the purpose of this event was to showcase the prowess that the pro BJ players possessed.

    I mean Team UBT members got to be Team UBT members because they’re so much better than all the other BJ players right? What do they have to lose? In fact you’d let UBT sponsor them wouldn’t you Rick? I mean if UBT wanted to have ALL of Team UBT play in this event, with the UBT logo’s and such you wouldn’t be opposed to that would you?

    I mean this event could be THE event of the year. Imagine the possibilities:

    Hollywood Dave versus the Mississippi Money Man on table 1 while

    World BJ Champion Ken Einiger versus BJ newcomer and Champion Dave Matthews

    meanwhile on table 3 we have

    Las Vegas's own Advisor Anthony Curtis versus the Brooklyn Bomber Joe Pane

    The possibilities are endless and for all these pro's what's a mere $10K? I mean Joe fleeces the casinos for that all the time right? :cool: Heck I bet he can get a settlement from the Venetian to cover his entry fee
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Two more sign up...

    I was just contacted by two more players willing to put up the $10,000 entry fee.

    These are two of the better players I know, but they having been on TV so they many not be as well known to some of the newer players.

    Anyway that puts us at 8 players so far, we're half way there.

    I see fgk is shaking the tree for some of the better known players to attend. With some of the names fgk mentioned above it would make this event interesting to say the least.

    I think we solved the vig issue, by adding the tips in.

    We avoided any unnessary paper work by lowering the deposit down to under $10,000 - ($2,000 minimum non-refunable, unless the event doesn't go off).

    All the rules from the TBJPA will be used.

    After several discussions I have changed the finals from best 4 out of 7 to a best 5 out of 9 match. I believe the finals should have as much of the luck factor taken away as possible.

    The only issue still being discussed is DD, face up or down?

    I still argue that up is the fairest way to play them. It is the card you are ment to receive and by dealing them face up there can be no mis-deals. The up DD is to avoid any dealers error, after all we're all human.

    Example: on a face down game, you DD on 6/5 and catch a face card, but it was exposed. The expose card would have to be burned, now you catch a 4 and lose the hand. Or just the opisist, you catch a 4 first, but the card was exposed, now the second card is a picture and you win the match because of it.

    I just think the cards should be played in the order they were designed to be played whenever possible.

    Also by challenging any of the TBJPA rules, this opens up all the rules to be challenged, should they effect the out come of a players match.

    Just my opinion, but as always I'll listen to any and all feedback from the players.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2007
  13. tirle_bj

    tirle_bj Member

    I think you already answered to "The only essue" - "All the rules from the TBJPA will be used".
    In TBJPA Tourneys DD comes FACE UP!
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Seating for the $10,000 event...

    I very good question was sent to me, Will the players have to be seated in certain seats?

    I would have to say yes! I believe that sitting in seat #2 and #5 would be the best for spectators to watch the matches and I think it would keep the players close enough where they could see the other players chips.

    Should the spacing be to far between the players we will make that adjustment at before the matches begin.

    Another item is these matches are about playing blackjack, so all players MUST be seated during play and no smack talking will be allowed, this is straight blackjack.
  15. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    HD - you still in? :laugh:
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No need, it isn't being filmed...

    Dave (Hollywood ) is a good enough player that he doesn't need to smack talk. That is just his gimmick for TV, Dave is a quite soft spoken guy away from the camera.

    This $10,000 entry event is designed for its skill level and we have tried to take as much of the luck factor out by hosting a series of matches instead of the one or double elimination formats normally offered.

    At this amount of entry, I feel every contestant should treat and be treated with respect by the other contestants and not have any distractions.
  17. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    I cannot afford this tournament (not to mention being out gunned) so my comment is purely as an observer. I see this rule as a missed opportunity to help bring BJ tournaments to a more enjoyable level for the observer and player.

    Every once in a while a post pops up about BJ tournaments being just "a bunch of old (mostly) white guys" sitting around a BJ table. Hell, there's no excitement because half look like they are falling asleep and the the other half look like they are on their way to re-marry their first wife. And then we wonder why it's so damn dull and can't draw an audience. And now a rule is there to guarantee continued boredom.

    So I say WAKE UP. Let them talk smack. Let then get into each other's heads. Let them stand. Let them pace while they decide on their play - and damn-it, give them more time. Hell, let everyone stand and show emotion while worrying about the "next card". Jeez, give the game some drama. Make it enjoyable for all - spectators and players.

    As for Hollywood, I played 1 table against him, no cameras of course. And he did talk smack so it's not just for TV.

    Now: Please no comment about how the UBT brings excitement. We've all heard it already and it's getting old. Let's stick to the $10,000 entry fee tournament on this thread.
  18. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Talking smack

    I won't be playing in this, but will probably be there watching. I agree with Toolman. Drop this rule before it goes any further. I don't talk smack myself, but enjoy hearing skip, HD, and some others. It is much more enjoyable watching them either hit or fall on their face.
  19. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Do you make it a policty to insult potential players before they play in a $10,000 event, Rick? Although I'm certainly known to spice it up in front of the cameras, my style of play is far from 'gimmicky'... Aside from racking up my fair share of final tables & wins in the recent past, I'm a naturally outgoing person who's been espousing the hidden value of the psychology of blackjack tournaments. Sure, sometimes that gets me called a 'bad boy' but more often than not, it has nothing to do with ranting or raving, much less insulting or disrespecting anyone.

    The fact is, there is a big difference between "don't disrespect anyone" and "don't talk while you play," and unfortunately I have a strong feeling that you're talking about the latter. So while I can certainly agree not to disrespect my fellow competitors, i'll be god damned if i buy-in to a $10k event & then strap a muzzle on.

    And to be really honest, I find it very interesting that you brought this point up at all. Obviously you've had a private conversation with another player about my style of play, because I really don't think that it would apply to anyone else. Because if there's a coalition of players aligning themselves with the promoter of the event against me, i'll gladly take my money elsewhere.

    I'm sure you'll respond by reassuring me that there won't be any problems unless someone complains, but that's not gonna work, because to get an advantage over ME there are plenty of players who would just say I'm bothering them any time I open my mouth, whether or not I'm actually saying anything offensive. So, no dice there. Bottom line is, I'm not going to accept any kind of sanctions in this event if I play, so if that's not acceptable to you, let me know now.

    Another thing that would make me feel much better about this event (and a lot of other pro players I've spoken with) is if you fully disclosed where this $10,000 house vig is going. I see in a previous post where you decided that since the tips were now included, it would be fair -- but notice that no one else agreed with you. You also sent out a mass email to many pro players telling them all about the event, but neglected to mention this issue either.

    Help put this whole vig issue to bed once and for all by simply disclosing how much $$ is going where. No matter how big or small the poker or blackjack tournament I've ever played, its always very clear what's going where. In tournaments, for instance, where a portion of the money collected goes to the dealers, its always clearly listed by %. So if we are paying $10,000 for fees, it would make everyone feel a lot better to know exactly how much of that you plan on giving to the dealers, to the host casino, and how much you're keeping yourself for organizing this event. So far we know that "its all included" but for all we know, you're giving the casino $1k, the dealers $1k, and pocketing $8k for yourself! I wish I wasn't so paranoid but just the other day you mentioned that you could have used this $10k to paly yourself, but opted against it...which naturally concerns me if there's THAT much money left over!

    I don't think this is an unreasonable request; this kind of information is readily available in any other tournament I've played. In fact, its the reason why many of us choose not to play in certain tournaments, as in the instance when a casino has a set prizepool but the entries far exceed that, creating a huge player inequity. (I'm not saying that's happening here, I'm just using that as an example of the trasparency of this kind of information, even when its not pleasent).

    I don't mean to bust your balls, but many of the professional players I've spoken to about this event are very hesitant to pay such a high vig for a 16-person event, and while including tips is certainly a step in the right direction to allaying our concerns, fully disclosing the rest of these details would certainly close the distance.

  20. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    It is getting OLD

    No where in this post was UBT even mentioned other than Hollywood saying about the size of staff needed at even a small UBT event.​
    And of course FGK being FGK poking at having Team UBT members play.​
    So your comment about not wanting to hear how UBT brings excitement is somewhat baffling to me.​
    Or is now mandatory here at BJT that no matter what a specific post covers any time someone or you in particular Toolman can they take a swipe at UBT you do.​
    If you can not see that the UBT format gets the blood pumping long before the last 2 hands of your "Old Style" tournament format you need to check your pulse.​
    Thinking outside the box every now and then it will never hurt you. Remember someone who knows how to use all the tools in his toolbox is a better handyman.​
    If you don't want to hear how exciting the UBT format is, have you ever thought that there are some people who don't want to hear anti UBT stuff all the time either.​
    The availability of the UBT Tour and their web site is good for this community even if 4 or 5 people out of thousands insist that its not.​
    Please refrain from attempting to censor those who have a thought or opinion. You have the right not to read it,please feel free to excersise that right.​

    Point 2

    I have played in many tournaments and I have never seen a rule that says players can not talk to each other.​
    Please don't start this rule now,don't try to re-invent the wheel it rolls around just fine.​

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2007

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