Silver Legacy - Reno - Jan 12-14

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by kirbyk, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    I was in Reno two years ago to ski and still get an occasional e-mail. Today's has an announcement of a Winter BJ Tournament but absolutely no details and the web site does not list it all either. It doesn't seem to be on the calendar here so I thought I'd just mention it. In a strange coincidence I will be in Reno skiing again but from the 8th through the 11th so I will just barely miss the opportunity to play. Perhaps someone a bit more local would want to check it out.

    Reno does seem to have quite a few daily or weekly games so perhaps I will write a brief report when I return. I will definitely attempt to find out if the Circus-Circus tournament still exists.
  2. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    I did not see the Circus-Circus Daily BJ touranment there when I was in Reno last month.
  3. Bermuda Bob

    Bermuda Bob Member

    Anyone know anything on this ???

    I've been watching their web site and have seen nothing ...

    Anyone know more on this ???

    BTW, the snipet sez "single deck w/ shoe rules" ... can someone please explain ???

    Cheers & Ciao !!!
    Bermuda Bob
  4. Reno Master

    Reno Master New Member

    Silver Legacy BJTs

    The S/L's "shoe rules" for their tournaments are DOA, H17. There's no DAS, RSA, or SUR; but untied naturals pay 2 to 1 and insurance pays 3 to 1. There are three counts taken: after hands 25, 28, and 29 (30 in the round). The maximum betting limit is waived on hands 29 and 30. The first few rounds 2 or 3 from each table will advance. They have draws after each session for free advancement to the next round. (The draw after the semi-finals includes everyone.) They also allow one rebuy per participant into the next round (excluding the finals) to be used immediately after you are knocked out. All their tounaments I've played in have been at least even equity. Hope this helps for next time.


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