Skill v luck

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by gadz, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. gadz

    gadz New Member

    I have been playing blackjack for along time, but have only now become interested in playing a tournament.

    How much tournament skill do you guys believe is involved in winning a tournament?? I would imagine that the majority if not all of the participants know basic blackjack strategy. It seems to me that luck is by far the biggest factor in winning a tournament.....and having the most luck on the last hand.

    What do you guys think?
  2. nattywit

    nattywit New Member

    must use skill and get the cards(luck) you may find 30-40% "dead money" at the tourney, but do not judge the books by their cover. am entered at fitzgerald for april 18-19 tourney $99 . my nametag says Bryan.

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